World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: January - March, 2022
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
In Loving Memory of David Crouch by Lee Allen

On Monday morning, January 31, 2022, WEI lost one of its greatest champions. David and Lola Crouch have been actively involved in WEI for 26 years. During this time, they became WEI teachers, ambassadors, supporters, administrators, and awesome champions of WEI.
David was a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He worked hard at Harding University in Public Relations for 42 years. David lived a wonderful, incredible life while always putting others before himself. He was a devoted Christian man who loved his family, church family, Harding family, and his community. David was a tireless servant and a mighty warrior for God. To God be the glory.
Our brother David was actively involved in and supported the mission work in Uruk Otong, Nigeria with World English Institute International Digital Evangelism (WEI-IDEA) which was created to mobilize Christians for effective evangelism within and outside Africa. David and Lola had a very tender, compassionate, and generous heart for the work in Nigeria.
David loved being a WEI Internet teacher. He taught over 800 precious students from all around the world. In the last several months of his life, David partnered with Richard and Pamela Haines and several other WEI teachers in a special effort to teach and encourage every student in Myanmar. He participated in a weekly prayer Zoom session with students and teachers. David woke up every day with a great desire to be light and love to everyone, especially his WEI students.
David was one of the best encouragers and servants I have ever known. He was always willing to go the extra mile. David lived every day as a humble disciple and follower of Christ.
David loved Lola just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Together, they were one in Spirit and one in the Lord for 52 years. David was her constant rock and soulmate. He would do anything for Lola. Truly, David Crouch was a man after God’s own heart.
Church Growth in Sierra Leone
Charles Mungu and Abu Conteh, both WEI graduates, continue to work together to evangelize the village of Makondoh where a new congregation was begun in April, 2021. Land was donated, and the congregation has completed a building with a paved floor and vinyl chairs. Seventeen people have been baptized into Christ. New brothers and sisters in the Makondoh congregation are from Catholic and Muslim backgrounds, and some practiced Juju, a magical West African folk religion.
Abu Conteh uses WEI materials to preach and also to teach 120 students in the village school. His wife Susan has a small business supplying medicine. They are both active in evangelizing and helping care for widows.
Charles travels 70 miles by motorbike to the village to help in evangelizing each week, then returns to preach at the Mile 91 Church of Christ in Freetown which continues to grow, with five recent baptisms. The congregation also hosted the area preacher’s retreat.
Exciting Developments in the Philippines
April 3, 2022 was an auspicious day in the history of the new church in San Fernando City, Luzon Island. The events of the day were the culmination of teaching done by Edwin E. Vicente at the WEI Learning Center.
In early February, Edwin and his helpers graduated
WEI class #2, and immediately inaugurated class # 3. Edwin calls these graduation ceremonies “moving on” celebrations. The plan is to move students on from one class to another until they have completed the entire WEI curriculum.

During the past year, Brothers Erben L. Gonzales and Clemente G. Lazaga have been driving up from Calasiao to San Fernando one Sunday afternoon a month to help Edwin establish a church at the WEI Learning Center.
On April 3rd, Erben and Clemente did double duty. They preached, taught, prayed, and led the singing.

Erben and Clemente also baptized seven people that Edwin had taught, including Edwin’s older daughter, Edle Joy [EJ], her husband Aldrin B. Lagahit, and five WEI students.

At the time of this writing, Edwin was scheduled to preach his first gospel sermon on April 10th. Going forward, he will be leading worship at the new church three Sundays a month.
Editor’s note: Edwin’s printer is worn out, and he desperately needs a new one for printing class materials. He also needs a working fund in order to keep up with the rapid growth of the church–and the WEI Learning Center where children, young people, and adults study the Bible six or seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year.
If an American congregation or mission-minded individual would like to have fellowship with Edwin in this productive soul-winning mission in the Philippines, please contact me, Dick Ady, at or 503-621-2334.
WEI would not be able to reach people in all nations with the word of God without your support, contributions, and donations.
A Cosmic Spiritual War in Nigeria
In his March 28 report, Aniefiok Akpan writes “Thank you for your continued prayers and support. They keep us moving despite Satan’s incessant attacks. The battle to replace an ancient evil shrine at Uruk Otong with a worship sanctuary of the New Testament church is a war all mission-minded Christians should support.
“The March edition of our monthly youth digital lectureship yesterday was awesome. The theme was
SPEAKING FOR THE MASTER. On Saturday, March 26, I led the youths of our campus church in house-to-house evangelism in Uruk Otong and the neighboring villages.
“During the door-knocking campaign, the team that went with me met a young man who has never once in his lifetime attended a church worship service. We preached Christ to him and invited him to our campus worship service and the digital lectureship. He honored the invitation, accepted Christ, and was baptized yesterday. Please keep him in your prayers. His name is Godwin Monday Udoh.”

The Gospel Spreads in South Sudan

On January 23rd, we received an exciting email from Marcella Bailey with a Subject: “Photos of seven precious souls added to the Family of God today.” Marcella wrote, “Bartholomayo called me this morning. I could tell he was very excited about what he was saying. I was not understanding what he was saying, so he sent me a text. I could see why he was so excited to share this good news.”
Marcella concludes, “This is an amazing young man. God has blessed him richly with great talent to spread the Good News of Christ. There is no stopping him. Our Bartholomayo is an incredible servant of the Lord.”
On March 13th, we received an email from Virginia McPeak saying, “We are celebrating the baptisms of two WEI students [in South Sudan], Salvatoria Geng Gargn Deng and Gabriel Gargan (brothers). Salvatoria had been requesting baptism for what seemed to be a very long time. He has been my student since June 2020. We are so thankful to the Sudan Project and the Gospel Chariot for making this happen. Salvatoria requested that I share the photos with everyone at WEI.”
The same day, March 13th, we received another email from Marcella Bailey. This time, the Subject line was “Bartholomayo’s Baptisms on March 13th.” In it, Marcella wrote “The young man with the yellow shorts [not pictured] is Gabriel Garang, the student of Robert Thurman. The young man in the white shirt is Salvatoria Geng, the student of Virginia McPeak.”

Eight New Christians in India

Prabhu Kumar, Director of WEI-INDIA, reports that twelve more WEI students have been baptized into Christ in India. The following picture was taken on the roof of Prabhu’s church building.
On February 20th, Prabhu reported four baptisms, including three Hindu students in Titlagargh Odissa, the District where Prabhu and other Christians were beaten by Hindu radicals several years ago.
On Mark 9th, Prabhu reported that he had baptized four WEI students in Tiruttani–students who had been taught by Brother T. Chakravarthy.
In the same newsletter, Prabhu reported that Brother Bose had baptized four of his students at Srikalasasti.

More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Your donations for printing and mailing these materials are appreciated.WEI Works in the USA Too

After using WEI lessons to teach Aubrey Brown at the Hardin Valley Church of Christ in Knoxville, Tennessee, Jim Fox baptized her into Christ.
Jim writes, “Aubrey is a junior in high school and is an excellent student. She has been taught by her parents and grandparents and in Bible classes. She is a member of the youth group.
“She concentrated on the WEI materials related to baptism. She was struck by Jesus’ own baptism, by those who were baptized on the day of Pentecost, and by the Ethiopian eunuch’s baptism by Philip. She was moved by what Peter told the people who had crucified Christ: ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”
We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022 church budget. Please join us in a concerted effort tolead the whole world to Christ.
WEI Thrives in Papua New Guinea

Immediately after leading and teaching more than 800 young people in Waria Valley, during which time 27 young people were baptized, Arthur Tartara started serving God in other places.
Soon after returning home to Lae City, Arthur wrote, “This morning in our worship service, Maras accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Upon her confession of faith, I baptized her this morning.”
“Maras is from Tami Island east of Lae City. I came to know Maras when I started visiting Tami and conducting Bible classes every Easter weekend. Last month, Maras came to spend a school holiday with her relatives [in Lae], and on Saturday, the 5th of January 2022, she came for a youth class and heard a lesson on 1 Timothy 6:12. She really wanted to have eternal life. On Sunday morning, she asked her cousin to contact me to baptize her, so I baptized her at a baptistry near my house.”
On February 23, Arthur wrote, “Today, I started the religious instruction classes for the year. I will teach WEI materials in secondary school and ‘Who Is God’ for final year students in Melanesian Bible College in Lae, Papua New Guinea.”
On March 19th, Arthur wrote, “This morning, we had a combined youth class with Kamkumung church of Christ. Over 65 young people and children came for the class. I shared a lesson on Psalm 1:1-3. The topic was ‘The Blessed Man.’ We had a wonderful discussion on the topic; then we had some fun games.”
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ?
Chances are you can.
Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
Honorariums and Memorials
Crouch, Lola
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Honor of Lee & Jan Allen
Crouch, Lola
In Honor of Mary Hafer
Walt, Teresa
Walt, William
In Honor of Debbie Henry
Crouch, Lola
In Honor of Tom & Angie Langley
Crouch, Lola
In Honor of Mike & Andrea Soto
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Honor of Bob & Jan Towell
Crouch, Lola
In Honor of Darrell & Robin Wallace
Crouch, Lola
In Memory of Peggy Adkins
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Byrd, Herbert & Resa
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Kincer, Iva
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Nunn, Danny & Eleanor
Ohgren, Gunnar & Linda
Samuels, Larry & Linda
Spencer, Danny
Stephens, Dick & Chloe
White, Diane
In Memory of Betty Allen
Jennings, Roger & Regina
In Memory of Betty Ammons
Bishop, Joy
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Dewey Beck Jr.
Beck, Juanita
In Memory of Gabriel “Gabe” Seth Becker
Coalson, Beth
Taylor, Paula
Vaughn, Felicia
In Memory of Gary Boling
Samuels, Larry & Linda
In Memory of LaVern Campbell
Adams, John & Ginger
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Darline Cowart
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
In Memory of John Creighton
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Jennings, Roger & Regina
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of David Crouch
Benitez, Byron, Snezana & family
Bennett, Sherrill & Suzanne
College Church of Christ
Crouch, Lola
Dugger, Frances
Duke, Deborah
England, Don & Lynn
Flynn, Kathy
Hendrix, Edwin
Horton, Glenda
Jones, Hi
Langley, Tom & Angie
Lea, Donald
McCorkle, Danny & Lynne
McLeod, Rowan & Cecelia
Morgan, Mark
Morgan, Paul & Jan
Reely, Bob & Charlann
Roberts, Janelle & Clifton
Shearin, Arthur
Stone, Sharon
Williams, Thomas & Heather
Wilson, Edmond & Elizabeth
In Memory of Joe Downey
Smither, G.K. & Jean
In Memory of Bill Eastman
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of Arvle Fleeman
Adams, John & Ginger
Anonymous, Maryville
Bledsoe, Curtis & Jeanette
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Holmes, Greg & Laurie
Huff, David & Laura
Jennings, Roger & Regina
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Nunn, Danny & Eleanor
Pittman, David & Presty
Puryear, Randy & Libby
Spencer, Danny
Taylor, James & Rebecca
White, Diane
In Memory of Marie Goss
Goss, Joel & Joyce
In Memory of Carl Hafer
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Pittman, David & Presty
Puryear, Randy & Libby
Samuels, Larry & Linda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
Walt, Teresa
Walt, William
White, Diane
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Byrd, Herbert & Resa
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Hooker, Angela
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
Martin, Bruce,
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
McWilliams, Hugh
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Pittman, David & Presty
Puryear, Randy & Libby
Reeves, William & Carol
Samuels, Larry & Linda
Spencer, Danny
Stephens, Dick & Chloe
Stephens, Larry
Story, Frank & Janie
Taylor, James & Rebecca
Walt, Teresa
White, Diane, David, Janelle, Kevin, Channa
In Memory of Huber Huff
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Huff, David & Laura
Jennings, Roger & Regina
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Scott Isbelle
Jennings, Roger & Regina
In Memory of Mike James
Crouch, Lola
In Memory of William Langley
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Downey, Nancy
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville Church of Christ
Pittman, David & Presty
Samuels, Larry & Linda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
Tenth Street Church of Christ
White, Diane
In Memory of Hank Lawson
Sibert, La Vonne
In Memory of Jesse & Annette Lorren
Lorren, Kenneth & Chrlotte
In Memory of Joe Lubrano
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Karen Madden
Draper, Ann
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of B.A. Maner
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Regina D. Miller
Miller, Steve
In Memory of Mike Patterson
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Herman Pope
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of Evelyn Proctor
Proctor, William
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Harry Risinger
Crouch, Lola
In Memory of Roy Sims
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Jennings, Roger & Regina
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Henrietta Sutherland
Sutherland-Mullings, Maxine
In Memory of Pam Taylor
Bishop, Joy
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Dale Toll
Towell, Delbert & Helen
In Memory of Flo Williams
Anonymous, Maryville
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Jennings, Roger & Regina
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Nunn, Danny & Eleanor
Pittman, David & Presty
Samuels, Larry & Linda
Spencer, Danny
In Memory of Bill & Mary Wilson
Burrow, Gerald & Linda
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI