Learn English for Free

Teaching God’s Word Around the World by Teaching the English Language
World English Institute has one mission with one purpose. WEI works to lead as many people as possible from every nation under heaven to Christ by using God’s Word as the text to teach English grammar.
The English language is universal. Billions want to learn it. WEI teaches English free of charge in order to help them communicate effectively and read the Bible in English, many for the first time.
They need most of all salvation and a relationship with Jesus Christ. WEI has designed this unique teaching tool to reach as easily into dark places of the world, like the world of Islam, as it does the non-English-speaking communities of America.
Every day, hundreds of precious souls log into WEI to study one lesson in English grammar and one lesson in the Bible. They thrill at being able to learn English, but they are amazed when they learn about God and his plan of redemption.
WEI’s Teaching Website Makes it Easy
Using your computer/tablet/cell phone, your Internet connection, and WEI’s teaching website, you can teach the Good News to people in all of the world’s 203 nations.
Approximately 10000 people visit the WEI teaching website each month to study the English language because it is free. Each month over 3500 of these people register and return the introductory lesson and need to be claimed by a teacher. WEI uses lessons from the Bible to illustrate the accompanying lesson on English grammar.
The website provides recordings of the Bible lesson so students can learn to hear and speak English as they read. While they learn to hear and speak, the Word is being planted deep within their memories.

Testimonial from Satyam Babu Tangirala
World English Institute is amazing, really I praise God and appreciate them who had introduced it. Students can learn English grammar and the Word of God. I appreciate the teachers for sparing their time to teach English and the Word of God. Many parents are spending lot of money for their children’s education for English…

Simon Gatluak Bol
Message: It’s very fantastic courses from the words English Institute college it’s previliege to me to attend that English Institute very good task I appreciate all the adminstrators of WEI courses and all Teachers, I hope you received the Best reward in advances And thanks by Simon Gatluak Bol

“Since I started learning about God’s characters, God’s forgiveness and love, my mind has totally and definitely changed, — those studies about God have changed the way I used to see life. And today I’m totally a different person comparing to the person I was yesterday, because I have forgiven all those who did wrong…

Dr. Sreepati Das
Dear Sir,I got the fourth certificate from you. I am a Hindu. I didn’t know anything about Christianity. When I came to your website to learn English, you are patiently explaining the essence of this religion in detail and in clear English language. Knowing many deep theories and information of your religion, I developed my…

Dear Sir/Madam, as I read the WEI goal, it’s very great appreciate from founder and honorable teachers who help those who need and want to learn English as natives, especially for me it will be very helpful because I am one of the Afghanistan war victim which flee from Taliban and lost my job and…

Vicki Murphy
Dick, one of my students just sent me a message with lots of imoges on it. He has just been hired to teach English and music at the International school in Havana, Cuba. He gives lots of credit where it is deserved, first to God and then to WEI. It is his first teaching experience, and…

Merry Christmas and Message from a Student
Message: Although I am 90 years of age, I have a lingering fondness for learning English… I am a citizen of Taiwan and can use a computer . If my quality fits your criteria Please make me enroll. Thank you very much Chen. I do believe this is the oldest student we’ve ever had register…

Testimony from a Student
“Since I started learning about God’s characters, God’s forgiveness and love, my mind has totally and definitely changed, – those studies about God have changed the way I used to see life. And today I’m totally a different person comparing to the person I was yesterday, because I have forgiven all those who did wrong…

Students Testimonial
Thank you for the certificate. I am so pleased and excited to move forward to more advanced English. Thank you very much for the wonderful work you are doing for all of us, may God Bless the founder and all of you that are giving your time and effort to help us. Regards

Student of Woody Byars:
God is really teaching me through these lessons and it baffles me. Each lesson seems to have a reflection towards my life. Glory be to God. Thank you Mr Byars. God bless you and the entire World English Institute.I love you all.
Latest News & Updates
The Church Grows in Nigeria
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Watch God Work in Nigeria
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Tragedies In Papua New Guinea
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A Joy Worth Sharing by Justin Speer
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2024 – A Record-breaking Year by Lee Allen
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Tips for Teachers by Darrell Wallace
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Words from Teachers by Suzie Winham
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Success in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Tips for Teachers
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Another Jail break in Afghanistan
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God Is at Work in the Philippines
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Greetings from Papua New Guinea
Arthur Tatara, a WEI teacher in Papua New Guinea, writes, “Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am excited to bring you the latest updates from our World English Institute PNG programs. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to this vital ministry. “This year was a good year for me as I…
Football for Christ at Rhema
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Graduation Is a Big Event at RCA
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God’s Amazing Work in Nigeria
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WEI Co-Sponsors Workshop by Tom Langley
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A Faithful WEI Teacher Goes Home
Ida Partlow, faithful follower of Jesus, WEI teacher for more than thirty years, short-term missionary in in Tirana, Albania and Phnom Penh, Cambodia, aggressive evangelist by nature, beloved by family, friends, and WEI students around the world, has gone home to be with her Lord whom she has served throughout her adult life. Ida Partlow…
God Never Ceases to Amaze Us
Lee Allen Our awesome God never ceases to amaze us. In 2022, WEI exploded with a record number of 170,851individuals registering on our website. We read and studied the Bible with 66,259 students. In 2021, we had studied with 48,504 students. God blessed us with an increase of 17,755 students. We were so excited! In…
Report From the Philippines
Edwin Vicente, Director of the WEI Learning Center in Tuguegarap City in northeastern Luzon Island reports that he is now teaching twenty-four WEI students and has received permission from parents to baptize two of them. Edwin With Six of His Twenty-Four Students