World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: October - December, 2021
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
27 Baptisms in Papua New Guinea
Arthur Tatara, WEI teacher in Papua New Guinea, recently directed the Fifth Morobe Providential Youth Camp sponsored by the Asama Church of Christ in Waria Valley. Arthur is a dynamic young preacher as well as an effective WEI teacher.
Arthur writes, “On Friday 10th December 2021, an electrician and I flew to Waria Valley and installed the power for 5th Morobe Providential Youth Camp. The delegation [of young people] arrived at Asama on Tuesday 14th December. Over 850 people were gathered at Asama and heard the Word as I preached on God’s Eternal Purpose.”

“The youth camp ended Sunday 19th December 2021. On Monday, 20th of December, the delegation traveled back to their destinations.
“The total number of baptisms during the camp and at the New Year’s Eve worship was 27.

“All in all, it was the most wonderful camp ever in the history of Morobe Provincial Youth Camps. I preached using PowerPoint presentations and videos on the Life of Christ and the Book of Daniel.”
Arthur concludes: “On behalf of the Waria Valley Churches of Christ, I would like to thank WEI [friends] for their personal support and for helping us purchase the generator and other things for the camp.”
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Additional funds for printing and mailing these materials are needed.
Message from a Scappoose Elder
The church in Scappoose, Oregon recently used our WEI book, Blessed Assurance, as a study guide in their Wednesday evening Bible classes.
Elder and attorney, James Hinds, calls the supplementary Bible courses in the WEI curriculum “A Great Bible Study Resource for the Church.”

James writes, “Many congregations of the Lord’s church in the U.S. are relatively small. Because of this, church leaders are always looking for good, trustworthy Bible study material. Dick Ady, the founder of World English Institute (WEI), is the author of an excellent 10-volume set of study materials. This well-written material leads a class, lesson by lesson, to the end goal of better scriptural understanding. Not only is this WEI material scripturally accurate with lots of Bible references, but the topics are so pertinent to the needs of every growing, maturing Christian.
“We chose to start with what I call the ‘dessert first’ method by studying the 13-lesson Blessed Assurance study book. This book is a scriptural guide to show Christians the eternal promise of the security we have because of Jesus Christ. Many young, and especially older NT Christians simply do not have any real confidence that they are saved and will go to heaven.
“Our recent Bible study class from the Blessed Assurance study book was a huge success. Each class student had their own booklet. Our midweek group is relatively small (30-35), but there was lots of interest and thoughtful discussion. In fact, so much so that Lessons #12 and #13 needed two class sessions each. Our classes always seemed to run 5 to 10 minutes overtime with good comments. Yet no one seemed concerned about the clock.
“Three other great WEI subject groups, also, are available: Christian Evidences (3 books, 27 lessons), Course on God (3 books, 39 lessons), and Living for Jesus (3 books, 39 lessons). This complete volume of WEI Bible study material will supply a weekly Bible class with just over two years of excellent material.”
WEI Flourishes in Uganda
On January 7, 2017, Dan Newsom of Searcy, Arkansas, sent a WEI Introductory Lesson to Mubiru Samson in Uganda. That was a historic day for WEI.
When Samson received his first lessons, he shared them with five fellow preachers in the area, and a group of Dan Newsom’s friends in Searcy began teaching Batumule Julius, Kirimata Moses, Bwana Fred, Amire Ronald, and Bitiraine Emmanuel via the Internet.
As Samson advanced through the Intermediate course, he shared the lessons with three elders in churches of Christ who, according to Samson, “campaigned for WEI in Kamuli, Buyende, Kaliro, and Luuku districts. As a result, we launched an open registration for WEI classes on July 20, 2019, at the Kitukiro Church of Christ.”
On August 21, 2019, all the preachers met and laid the groundwork for World English Institute & School of Biblical Studies, Uganda. The first WEI classes were taught at the Butaswa Church of Christ, and classes continued there until the COVID-19 pandemic shut them down. At that time, Samson reports, “We started hiding while lessons were taught.”
“We still study under trees. We have not yet constructed [a building], but over 10,000 bricks are already here which will be used for raising a class building as you will see in the photo.”

The five preachers who studied with Dan Newsom and his team are now teachers at the WEI Training Center at Kitukiro. Recently, on November 20, 2021, the training center celebrated its first graduation ceremony.

Samson concludes: “Thirty-nine (39) students graduated. Over 35 students have successfully completed both Intermediate and Advanced lessons, and ten of these have established Churches of Christ: Kamuli Town Church of Christ, Naluwoli Church of Christ, Namasagali Church of Christ, Busumba Church of Christ, Kirimwa Church of Christ, Buwangala Church of Christ, Bulondo Church of Christ, Maango Church of Christ, Ikanda Church of Christ, and Inuula Church of Christ.”
This historic development duplicates 2 Timothy 2:2. Dan Newsom taught Samson. Samson taught his friends. His friends taught others who are now teaching others. To God be the glory.
Meet Laura Huff
Many of you already know Laura. She is one of the most vivacious people you will ever meet. She puts life and energy into everything she does—including her service as a volunteer WEI Internet teacher.

Laura has been involved in missions since 1960. She says, “What a fascinating opportunity my introduction to missions presented! I was eager to GO! Little did I know where it would lead.”
After making several trips to the mission site in Mexico where her local congregation was involved, other opportunities opened up to Laura. In the early 2000s, she made several trips to Ukraine to visit and serve in orphanages. After war broke out in eastern Ukraine, she maintained contact with her Ukrainian friends and church family.
Laura writes, “Shortly before we moved from our home in Texas to East Tennessee, we met Bob and Jan Towell at a mission-related meeting. That was my first opportunity to learn about World English Institute. What an exciting opportunity to GO wherever my computer could take me! When we got to Maryville, Tennessee, we learned even more, and I started teaching. I LOVE IT! God has opened up the world, and now His Word can be taught to precious souls in every nation.
“I LOVE MY STUDENTS! It is important to establish a connection with our students. We can share family situations and get to know and trust each other. We can also pray for each other.
Another blessing from Almighty God has been the connections I have made to mission-minded people, churches, and organizations. They have provided information about local churches and church leaders near my students—people who teach my students and baptize them into Christ.
“WEI has blessed so many students around the world—and it has blessed all of us who have accepted the call to teach through this medium. Seeds are planted whose fruit we may not realize until eternity. It has been said that ‘you can count the seeds in an apple, but you can’t count the apples in a seed.’ Let’s keep sowing.”
New Church Meets for Worship
Two years ago, Edwin Vicente graduated from WEI and was baptized into Christ. After losing his teaching job when the COVID pandemic closed schools in the Philippines, he shared what he had learned (from his WEI studies) with children in his neighborhood. His efforts were so successful, the government granted him permission to start a WEI Learning Center in San Fernando City.
Parents became interested in the lessons their children were learning, and they asked Edwin to teach them. Edwin studied with the parents and with his volunteer helpers at the training center, and five adults were baptized into Christ.
That created a need to plant a church so that the new Christians could worship together and invite their friends to join them. Since then, two seasoned preachers (Erben L. Gonzales and Clemente G. Lazaga) from Calasiao have driven up to San Fernando City once a month to help Edwin start a congregation built on a solid foundation.

By the time you read this newsletter, Edwin, his daughter Amarah Claire (A.C.), and volunteer Coordinator Laila, will have conducted a graduation ceremony for the second group of WEI students and launched classes for the third group of students.
Christmas in the Philippines
Edwin E. Vicente, Director of the WEI Learning Center in San Fernando City, Philippines, gives special attention to underprivileged children, teenagers, and adults in his community.
Just before Christmas, Edwin decided to give each of his students a bag of food at a Christmas party. He said, “Christmas time is a time of giving.”

New Brother in Burundi, Africa
In early October, Marlene Baker’s student in Burundi, Habimana Venant, expressed a desire to be baptized. Tom Langley got in touch with Phil Palmer of WBS, and Phil sent his Christian contact person, Akembe, to Burundi to baptize Venant.

Later, Tom received the following email: “My name is Habimana Venant from Burundi country, and I am World English Institute student who is now a Christian because of your greatest work you are doing in order to save human beings who live in the world of darkness.”
In the Shadow of Mt. Ararat
Tom Langley, President of WEI, gives the following encouraging report.
In November 2021, another small team of Bible teachers from the “Church of Christ Plants” ministry followed up on our WEI Reception in Yerevan, Armenia. Through targeted advertising, we have registered and taught several hundred more students in Yerevan since our last reception in July. In November, we hosted another reception for these new students, and it was well attended.

It’s such a thrill to host these WEI receptions, to meet our online students to hear their testimonies on how much they love and appreciate their teachers and the Biblical instruction they receive from the WEI courses. Most of them tell how they initially came to us for English instruction but learned something more valuable than English through the reading assignments in God’s word.

It’s so heartwarming to hear them speak of the close bond they form with their online WEI teachers. We have some amazing teachers who daily shine the light and love of Jesus on all their WEI students in a dark world.
For two weeks following the November reception, Bible teachers Paulo Ross, Ryan Campbell, and Adam Dollen of the Church of Christ Plants ministry, along with John-Paul and his wife Becky [missionaries in Yerevan] conducted over 80 hours of personal Bible studies. I also studied with several students each day for the week I was there.
Please keep this new effort in your prayers, and especially the Zarkodonski’s as they and their two young boys adjust to a new culture and serve the Master by ministering to the beautiful people of Armenia.
WEI would not be able to reach people in all nations with the word of God without your support, contributions, and donations
A Blessed Partnership
Tom continues: For 6 years WEI has partnered with “Church of Christ Plants.” This ministry was started by our late beloved Bill Stewart of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver. It’s overseen by the Church of Christ eldership in Wynne, AR.
Our first joint effort was in 2015 in Mongolia when WEI held a reception for our thousands of Internet students. Bill and 5 other teachers offered private Bible classes to 150 attendees every day for two weeks following the reception. There is now an active Mongolian-led church in the capital city.

We have since hosted 10 additional WEI receptions in 5 major cities, followed by personal Bible studies with men from Church of Christ Plants. Over a thousand hours of Bible studies have been conducted, and many of our WEI Internet students have become members of God’s kingdom.
We want to recognize our partnership with these men and thank God for their mutual zeal and passion to go into all the world with the saving Gospel message.
If you would like to learn more about how to support this ministry, please be encouraged to contact Gary Aragon who is serving as the leader after the passing of Brother Bill Stewart. The primary participants of this unique ministry are Gary Aragon, Adam Dollen, Paulo Ros, Ryan Campbell, and Luis Camacho.
Luis Camacho, who has extensive radio background, is also actively doing voice-over recordings for the remaining lessons in our WEI courses which have not yet been recorded.
Contact Gary Aragon by phone at (719) 248-2850 or by email at

We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022 church budget. Please join us in a concerted effort to lead the whole world to Christ.
New Christian in Nigeria
On October 17, Aniefiok Akpan, Founder of Rhema Christian Academy and Minister of the Campus Church of Christ at Uruk Otong, Nigeria, wrote: “A World English Institute student, Prosper Israel Akpaneyen, accepted Christ and was baptized at our campus church this morning.”

“Prosper came to worship with us today at the campus church to return his completed WEI lessons for grading. After the sermon, before we finished the first stanza of the invitation song, he was already coming out to the baptized. We baptized him in the jungle stream in a neighboring village.”
More Fruit in India
Prabhu Kumar, the Director of WEI-INDIA reports that WEI teacher, Bro. Payani, has baptized two young men from his WEI class at K.V. Sreeramapuram.

Have you considered including WEI in your will?
By naming WEI in your estate, you will accomplish two important things:
1. You will lay up treasures in heaven; and,
2. You will help others get to heaven, too.
Honorariums and Memorials
Kerley, Jerry & Donna
Towell, Delbert & Helen
In Honor of Dick Ady’s 90th birthday
Elliott, Roger & Pamela
In Honor of Lisa Henry
Foster, Jim & Rebecca
In Honor of Chris McCurley
Bodine, Gary & Brenda
In Honor of Marcie Richardson
Murphy, Robert & Bonnie
In Honor of Bob & Jan Towell
Towell, Delbert & Helen
In Honor of Jo Towell
Towell, Delbert & Helen
In Memory of Betty Ammons
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Homer Benson
Benson, Norma
In Memory of Fred Benton
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
In Memory of Kathie Berkley
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Gary Bowling
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Martha Boyd
Mitchell, Elizabeth
In Memory of Debbie Brock
Haynes, Rodney & Linda McClellan, Bruce & Brenda Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Lavern Campbell
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Phyllis Cash
Hess, Phil & Connie
In Memory of Judy Coulthard
Edwards, Art & Bonnie Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of William Eastman
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of Violet Elliott
Griffin, Jim & Diane
In Memory of Charles Gray
Edwards, Art & Bonnie Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Harold Hailey
Hailey, Margaret
In Memory of Harold Hallmark
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
In Memory of Ted Harrison
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Glen & Verla Henry
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
In Memory of Dexter Hodge
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Benny Houser
Adams, John & Ginger Harris, Randall & Judy Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Marty Lynn
Davis, Harrison
In Memory of Charles McCord
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
Hailey, Margaret
In Memory of Robert and Billie Montz
Eyer, Gary & Marlene
In Memory of Morgan Outlaw
Hailey, Margaret
In Memory of Robert Perry
Edwards, Art & Bonnie Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Fred D. Pope
Winebarger, Dennis & Fredia
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Robert Rush
Adams, John & Ginger Edwards, Art & Bonnie Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn Harris, Randall & Judy Haynes, Rodney & Linda Stepping Stones Preschool White, Diane, Kevin & David
In Memory of Edith Scarborough
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Ray Skelton
Skinner, Darrell & Ruth
In Memory of TV Skinner
Skinner, Darrell & Ruth
In Memory of Marcia Smith
Sibert, LaVonne
In Memory of Darrell Sumner
Sumner, Frosty
In Memory of Agnes Campbell Taylor
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Ernest Tebay
Bradley, Thomas & Dolores
In Memory of Bobby Terrell
Smithson, Osalene
In Memory of Angel Tindell
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Dale Toll
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary Cowart, Logan
Merryman, Steve & Sharon Skinner, Terry & Cindy Smith, Jim & Alice Stumpf, Lorelei
Towell, Josephine
In Memory of Vi Tomberlin
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
Outlaw, Judith
In Memory of Betty Trater
Smithson, Osalene
In Memory of Dorothy Tuck
Kerley, Jerry & Donna
In Memory of Shirley Whittle
Whittle, Charles
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI