World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: April - June, 2022
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
Tbilisi Missionaries w/ WEI Roots by Tom Langley
Eno Damo was a teenager in 1992 when he studied the Bible with the late Donna Rae using the WEI materials. Donna was a teacher in the very first WEI team that traveled to Albania that summer. Eno was so impressed when Sister Rae gave him her mother’s old Bible because Eno did not own one in English. Eno was a WEI postal student prior to the team’s arrival, so he was especially interested in studying with a native English speaker. He was also the first of 57 students to respond to the Gospel that summer in Albania. He and two others were baptized into Christ on August 2, 1992 by our WEI founder and author, Dr. Dick Ady.
Now, thirty years later, Eno and his wife Nadine are missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, and they have hosted the first WEI reception model effort in that capital city. Some very sweet students showed up for the reception and are eager to study one-to-one. Eno and Nadine will be using the same materials that brought Eno to the Lord. This illustrates how God works when we obey the Great Commission and follow the principles in 2 Timothy 2:2.
WEI-targeted advertising in Tbilisi for the last nine months has resulted in over 300 Internet Bible students in that city. Eno and Nadine will be using some of these contacts to begin personal Bible studies in a rented office they have named: World Bible Learning Center. This office will also serve as a worship location for the Lord’s church.
Eno moved to Canada a few years after becoming a Christian and met Nadine through church while they both attended university. Along with other university students they began a campus ministry that continued for 20 years until their departure to the States. Nadine has been a Sunday School teacher and coordinator for over 20 years and has developed a curriculum that is used worldwide. She has a website at offering the free curriculum, activities, etc. for churches. Both Eno and Nadine are active in teaching and evangelism.
They moved to Texas in 2021 to complete their degrees at Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) with an emphasis on missions. In Texas, during their schooling, they were blessed to work alongside the Hillside Church of Christ in Plains.
Nadine and Eno have worked with the Nakrekal Church of Christ in India for many years, teaching, establishing and maintaining two children’s homes for 21 children, and they hope to visit there shortly.
Within two weeks of finishing their degrees from SIBI, they launched this new mission effort in Tbilisi. Having been well-trained in all the complexities of mission work, they are more than capable of serving the Lord in this capacity. Praise God, and to him be the glory. The Damos are self-supporting and hope to start and build other projects such as this worldwide.
Partnership in the work of the Lord in Georgia to run the center, which includes the rental expenses of World Bible Learning Center and the worship location for the Church of Christ in Tbilisi would be appreciated.
WEI Flourishes in the Philippines
Edwin E. Vicente, Director of the WEI Learning Center in San Fernando City, Luzon Island, has led more than a dozen WEI students to Christ during the Covid pandemic.
Having come from a Catholic background, Edwin invited Erben L. Gonzales and Clemente G. Lazaga, seasoned preachers from churches of Christ in the city of Calasiao, to help him plant the WEI Learning Center and a new congregation on a solid biblical foundation. Until recently, Erben and Clemente have baptized Edwin’s students and have led the church in worship.
For more than two months, now, Edwin has been preaching every Sunday and leading the congregation in singing.
In an email dated 6/22/22, Edwin writes, “Our last immersion was the baptism of Vincelle May Dela Cruz, which was my first immersion, with the help of Aldrin B. Lagahit, my son-in-law,who assisted me last May 1, 2022. This was very meaningful to me.”

Edwin writes, “As of now, we have 40 students. In our worship service, 20 are attending. The other 20 are from other religions, and they are still in the process of learning the truth.”
God has blessed Edwin’s ministry with such healthy growth that Edwin is no longer able to teach all the students plus prepare sermons and songs for the Sunday worship services. Consequently, his younger daughter, Amara Claire (AC) is teaching the younger children. His older daughter, Edle Joy (EJ) is teaching the older children, and Edwin is teaching teenagers and adults.

Evangelism in South Sudan
Marcella Bailey just sent us a copy of the following email from Bartholomayo Lang Akol, her student in South Sudan.
Bartholomayo writes, “We just went to Aweil East for one week and came back the day before yesterday.
“I am sending you some pictures of our evangelism in Aweil East and the church we planted after door-to-door evangelism. I walked with brotherJacob Marial and brothers [Jacob Athual and Yak Yak Bol] for one week. All went well though we didn’t baptize anyone because of a lack of enough water.”

“After evangelism, we removed grass under a tree and invited people to come and worship with us. The attendance was 52 adults and 27 children, and we brought them 20 Dinka Bibles, their language, and one English Bible.”

“They are really so thankful and happy to hear the Good News about Jesus after living without anyone telling them about Jesus. They told us that they will continue as a church and have put their hope only in Jesus Christ.”
Let us pay for enough water for 57 baptisms.
Report from Volatile Afghanistan by Katheryn Haddad
Reuben began studying with WEI in late 2020. He listed his religion as “NONE.” “I am not affiliated with any religion, even if my family is Muslim. I am not dependent on the laws of Islam because they are all lies. I am fascinated by the religion of Jesus.”
Reuben studied sporadically until May 2021 when he said he would like to become a Christian. After learning more completely about Christianity, he and his wife were baptized in mid-August. But his road was to be a rocky one.
After the Taliban takeover in mid-August, ninety percent of all Afghans lost their jobs. Reuben borrowed money to live on and could not pay it back. He was arrested and put in debtor’s prison. His wife’s sister in Pakistan sent the money he owed and freed him from jail.
However, while Reuben was in jail, the imam made sure all prisoners prayed five times a day. Reuben refused. He finally had to confess he was a Christian. A few days after his release, he was summoned to court. He had to either appear or be killed at home. He, of course, was found guilty of apostasy, punishable by imprisonment or execution. The sentencing hearing was to be a few days later. During that time, Reuben, his wife, and his children went into hiding where they remain today.
If Reuben had gone to court, he would have been executed. Please pray for them.
WEI would not be able to reach people in all nations with the word of God without your support, contributions, and donations.
On May 13, we received an email from Aniefiok Akpan saying, “Our WEI student, an ex-student of RCA, Ekpedeme Etido Abraham, accepted Christ and was baptized last Sunday at our campus church in Uruk Otong” There is an interesting story behind this young man’s baptism.

About three years ago, Aniefioik led a group of WEI-IDEA teachers in door-to-door evangelism in a nearby village. He says, “Our outreach effort led to the conversion of a denominational church leader named EtidoAbraham Imowo.” Etido and his wife Enobong, and their first daughter were baptized at the RCA campus church. All five of the children are, or have been, students at RCA. As you might have guessed, their first son, Ekpedeme Etido, is the youg men who was baptized in May.
On May 23, 2022, Aniefiok and Etang Akpan sent the following email:
“Our second son, Richard (Ric), and his friend and classmate at RCA, Christian Akaninyne Okon, accepted Christ and were baptized yesterday during our worship at the RCA[Rhema Christian Academy] campus church.”

“Ric will be 11 years old on 24th July, 2022. He is doing his final year of primary school at RCA and will start his junior high school education in September this year. We use WEI materials to teach our pupils and students English and the Bible on a daily basis.
“It has given me so much joy that our children, Nancy, Sedi, and Ric are already in Christ and are growing in faith and in the knowledge of the gospel.”
On June 28, Aniefiok wrote, “After listening to Russ Mitchell’s sermon, REASONS FOR OUR CHRITIAN FAITH (1 Peter 3:15), and to inspiring stories of their Christian faith from Aniefiok Akpan, Lola Crouch, Suzanne Beckman, and Bob Patterson during the digital lectureship yesterday, three of our young girls accepted Christ and were baptized into Christ today. Please pray for them by their names—Idorenyin Etido Abraham, Omodot Emmanuel Akpan, and Abasi-anyanga Uduak Johnny.”

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:14
“We Shined Like a Star for 7 Days”
Prabhu Kumar, the Director of WEI-India, recently hosted a seven-day worldwide Zoom Bible Lectureship at the Punadipadu Church of Christ. The theme of the conference was “We Are More Than Conquerors” (Romans 8:37).

Prabhu writes, “We conducted this conference on behalf of World English Institute-India and the Mike Hale School of Theology.
“Nearly 150 people joined us from 15 countries Totally, 14 preachers preached the word of God, one each evening. We allotted five days for men (21st to 25th), and two days for women (26th & 27th).
“Five of our guest speakers (men and women) were from the USA, and nine of our guest speakers were from different countries like China, Greece, India, Romania, Albania, Nepal, Afghanistan (only voice), Austria, and Ghana (Women). “God has used every preacher very effectively. All of the attendees enjoyed the word of God and were strengthened a lot.
“It is a good experience to enjoy the fellowship with our brothers and sisters worldwide. In fact, we are unable to travel to all these countries because of various restrictions and especially because the cost of Air Tickets is so high. As ordinary and middle-class people, we are unable to see our brothers and sisters at one time on one platform. In this case, it is not physical, but digital.”
Looking back on the Zoom conference, Prabhu wrote, “We shined like a star for 7 days.”
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Your donations for printing and mailing these materials are appreciated.
Five Hindus Convert to Christ
On July 15, Prabhu sent pictures of five more baptisms:
WEI teacher, Bro. K. Payani T.N. Kandigal, baptized four of his students: Bhasha, Raja, Madhan, and Raghu—all from Hindu families.

A fifth Hindu student is baptized by his unidentified WEI teacher. His name is C. Prabhaker, 45 years of age.

A New Baptism in Uganda
Brother David Hester, the WEI Missions Coordinator at the West Huntsville church of Christ in Alabama, just sent us the following report on one of his WEI students in Uganda.
“I’m excited to let you know that one of my students was baptized! His name is Mistako Aaron. He lives in Uganda, and he is 25 years old. He thought he was a Christian because he was sprinkled as a child. However, after studying the WEI lessons, he learned the truth. We had Anguaza Ezati Rhone, President of Uganda Bible College, travel 400 km to talk with him and baptize him.
“Building a relationship with my student is what led him to be baptized. We talked back and forth about the WEI Bible and Grammar lessons, so when we came to the lessons on baptism, it was natural for him to open up about his own baptism.
“When Matsiko Aaron enrolled as an Internet WEI student, he checked the box indicating that he was a Christian. He thought he was since he was sprinkled as a child into the Catholic church. Thanks to the WEI lessons, he said he wanted to obey the gospel according to the scriptures.

“I asked WEI for a missionary in that area, and Angela Lanley sent me the needed information I sent information about my student to the missionary in Kampala He went and talked to Matsiko and baptized him! Now Matsiko wants to share this good news with others. WEI enabled me to evangelize Matsiko Aaron in Uganda and hundreds more around the world that I would never have been able to teach otherwise. Thank you WEI!”
We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022church budget. Please join us in a concerted effort tolead the whole world to Christ.
Four New Christians in Sierra Leone
Chuck and Cathy Gusek of Hanceville, Alabama, have been WEI postal teachers since 2009. Currently, they are working closely with Joseph Kaipumoh in Bo, Sierra Leone. They just received the following email from Joseph.
“Greetings from us in Bo. I’m glad to inform you that our evangelistic work is going on fairly well with the baptism of three men and a woman last Sunday.”

Go and Make Disciples by Lee Allen
WEI is striving daily to fulfill the massive global effort of the Great Commission. With the help of Google advertising, WEI reaches out every day to searching souls all around the world who desperately need a loving relationship with our awesome God and Lord Jesus Christ.
God continues to open the heavens and shower us with an incredible number of students. We began 2022 with an explosion of 12,500 new student registrations and 4,500 new Bible students each month. During the month of June, in less than 17 hours, we had 622 students accumulate on our Student Board. We’ve never had these amazing numbers in one day before. Our awesome God never ceases to amaze us. Praise God!
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ? Chances are you can.
Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
We Need Your Help! by Lee Allen
As the number of student registrations and Bible studies dramatically increase, so do the Google advertising costs. To continue sharing and teaching the truth of God’s word with more and more lost souls, we must immediately increase our daily advertising budget to $180 a day. We need to raise $65,000 to continue the growth of registrations and Bible studies in 2022/2023. We need your help to continue to reach the lost of the world with the Good News that our Lord commissioned us to proclaim.
We were blessed to study with 48,504 students from 199 countries in 2021. We are on pace to reach our goal to teach 65,000 precious souls in 2022. Please give prayerful consideration to being a co-worker with WEI, as together we sow the seed of the word of God.
Please donate online at the following link: or mail a check to our World English Institute address in Gresham, Oregon: 1525 NW Division St., Gresham, OR 97030.
The one who plants and the one who waters will each be rewarded according to their labor. We are co-workers in God’s service. 1 Corinthians 3:7-8. To God be the glory
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ? Chances are you can.
Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
Honorariums and Memorials
Ford, Gary & Linda
In Memory of Peggy Adkins
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
England, Tom & Pat
Snow, Suzanne
In Memory of Betty Ammons
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
Snow, Suzanne
In Memory of Doris Blachly
Bogdanovic, Pete & Pam
In Memory of Dale Brumley
Ford, Gary & Linda
In Memory of Doris Bybee
Bradley, Thomas & Dolores
In Memory of Ken Caraway
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Thelma Eunice Carr
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
In Memory of David Crouch
Banta, Kay
Butterbaugh, Tom & Beth
Tate, Jean
Yates, Kenneth & Gayle
In Memory of Pam Fath
Adams, John & Ginger
In Memory of Ernie Fernandez
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
Outlaw, Judith
In Memory of Bobby Fesmire
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Huff, David & Laura
In Memory of Evelyn Fowler
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of the Goodwin family
Walt, Teresa
In Memory of James Gough
Gough, Sean & April
In Memory of Carl Hafer
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
In Memory of Mary Hafer
Adams. John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes. Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
White, Diane
In Memory of Jean Hicks
Adams, John & Ginger
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Jordan, Robert Leon & Dottie
White, Diane
In Memory of Ruth Horis
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
England, Tom & Pat
Snow, Suzanna
Vickery, Elizabeth
Draper, Ann
Harris, Randall & Judy
White, Diane
In Memory of Dottie Howard
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Hubert Huff
Adams, John & Ginger
In Memory of William Langley
Byrd, Herbert & Resa
Huff, David & Laura
Mason, Helen
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
In Memory of B.A. Maner
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
Draper, Ann
England, Tom & Pat
Harris, Randall & Judy
Holmes, Carl & Carol
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Snow, Suzanne
White, Diane
In Memory of Christine Niva
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
Outlaw, Judith
In Memory of Maureen O’Donnell
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Kyle Petree
Adams, John & Ginger
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Harris, Randall & Judy
Snow, Suzanne
White, Diane
In Memory of Virginia Porter
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Evelyn Proctor
Proctor, William & Sheryll
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Charlotte Smith
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Osalene Smithson
Adams, John & Ginger
Blanks, Bill & Julia Ann
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Maryville church of Christ
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Rush, Terry
Snow, Suzanne
Spencer, Danny
Walt, Teresa
White, Diane
In Memory of Pam Strawn
Strawn, W. Gregg
In Memory of Jeff Walker
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Nell White
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Jeff Widener
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Robert Williams
Adams, John & Ginger
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI