February 16, 2020
Eri Boraj (pronounced “Air’ee Bore’ eye), an Albanian student studying in the United States, was baptized in Knoxville, Tennessee on February 16, 2020. This date was also his twenty-first birthday.
Eri’s parents in Albania, Artan and Rudina Boraj, witnessed Eri’s baptism on Messenger. In addition, three of Eri’s teachers from his years of WEI study in Albania were present, along with their spouses and several others. The three teachers present were Gwen Byers, Eri’s first teacher in Tirana in 2015, Jim Fox, who studied with Eri in 2015, 2016, and 2017, and Ken Martin, who studied with Eri in 2016 and 2017. Eri also studied in Albania with Art Hitt and Alice Jewell. All of these teachers made an impact on Eri’s life.
A few months ago, Eri, who is an engineering student at a local college, wrote about his struggle to submit his life to God. He reasoned that he had a choice between guiding his own life or letting God’s Spirit be his guide. When he compared the “credentials” of God, as he referred to them, with those of a 20-year-old, such as himself, who had no experience, he concluded that God “seemed better than the other candidate.” After all, God has “infinite years of experience, [the] status as Almighty and all-loving, and skills as all-knowing and all-powerful.”
Eri is currently living with Ken and Debbie Martin in Knoxville and attends Pellissippi State Community College. His desire to follow Jesus grows stronger and stronger each day, and those who know Eri continue to praise God for the work of the Spirit.
Jim Fox concludes, “Eri and his brother, Flavio, who was baptized last summer in Albania, are now brothers-in-Christ!!!! Please pray for them as each one continues his journey with Jesus.”
Editor’s note: This is a marvelous example of the way God works through his people to accomplish his eternal purpose in Christ. Seeds were lovingly sown by five dedicated teachers over a period of five years. The Spirit has slowly worked in Eri’s heart and finally, God has given the increase. God never gives up.