April 11, 2024
Fortunately, God had other plans for saving the high school. Aniefiok wrote, “The fight to keep our high school and sustain our mission work in Uruk Otong has started. In a recent wire from the Bethlehem church [Aniefiok’s sponsoring church in Watertown, Tennessee], two families, James and Janice Kelley and Lola Crouch, made a huge one-time donation of $1,000 each to our mission.
With the $1,000 donated by the Kelleys, Aniefiok purchased some of the most important Science Lab equipment. With the $1,000 donated by Lola, he purchased building materials for completing the construction of a six-room classroom building that Lola and her late husband, David, started building three years ago.
Temporary portable partitions will be placed between the classrooms so that the building can be turned into one huge room to give the church and other large groups of people (workshops, WEI Youth Conferences, etc.) a place to meet. It will also provide the mandatory space for agents of the Ministry of Education to administer tests to high school graduating seniors.
Until the high school/church building can be completed, God has made it possible for the high school students at Rhema Christin Academy to study WEI lessons via the Internet. Most of these students will become Christians, and many of them will lead their parents and siblings to Christ. On the other hand, the junior high students are studying WEI lessons that are printed on the RISO Printing Machine that Jim and Virginia McPeak donated to the school several years ago.
By naming WEI in your estate, you will accomplish two important things:
1. You will lay up treasures in heaven; and,
2. You will help others get to heaven, too.