July 25, 2024
The most ingenious and effective outreach ministry sponsored by RCA and the Campus Church of Christ is the annual football (soccer) tournament.
Last year, young people (up to thirteen years of age) from thirteen villages around Uruk Otong formed four football teams and competed for the trophy. All players enrolled in WEI and studied the lessons for eight weeks during the tournament. The final football match was played on December 1, followed by a three-day World English Institute Youth Conference which resulted in thirty-six baptisms.
This year, five football teams from five villages have signed up to play. Aniefiok says, “Each team has 20 players and officials. The finals of the tournament will be played on the first day of this year’s World English Institute Youth Conference at Rhema Christian Academy in December.”
It is estimated that 1,000 people will attend this year’s WEI Youth Conference. Last year, 700 players, parents, and friends attended. If that many people come this year, the new, unfinished David & Lola Crouch school building will be used to accommodate them. The concrete floor has been poured, but the windows are still without glass. In a tropical climate, open windows can be a good thing when a building is packed with people.