March 4, 2019
In early February of this year, the Westside church of Christ in Norman, OK sent 11 workers on a week-long mission trip to Cap Haitian, Haiti. During their stay, they hosted a WEI Reception for students who live in that area. About 54 students and their friends arrived.
The reception was held at the Center for Biblical Studies, a church of Christ supported preaching school for Haitian men. After a meal, Phillip Johnson, the preaching minister for Westside provided a gospel message while Rodney Richard, a director of the Center, translated. WEI materials were handed out, and Tracy Sipe, a WEI teacher from Westside, explained how the program works.
Joanna concludes, “This experience has helped me to understand the Parable of the Sower so much better. Many seeds were planted, but it took time for the plant to grow.”