World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: January - March, 2024
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
In Loving Memory of Bob Towell
In the words of the brochure printed for Bob Towell’s graveside service, Robert Henry Towell, Sr., entered into life, February 19, 1931, in Weiser, Idaho, and he entered into eternal life March 12, 2024 in Round Rock, Texas.

Bob met Jan, the love of his life, when both were members of the same wedding party. They were married August 26, 1955 in Kansas City, Kansas. They honeymooned on their drive to Raliegh, North Carolina where Bob completed his schooling.
Bob spent the first thirty years of his career as a nuclear scientist in Augusta, South Carolina working at the Savannah River Plant. He completed his career in Washington, D.C. working for the Department of Energy and Eagle Research.
When Bob retired at the age of 70, he and Jan moved to Round Rock, Texas to be near family. By then, Jan had been teaching WEI students several years and had made a major breakthrough by inaugurating a movement toward teaching students via email. In Round Rock, Bob joined Jan as a WEI teacher, and together, they literally catapulted WEI into the stratosphere.
More than anyone else, Bob, Jan, and their grandson Jonathan Towell are responsible for bringing WEI out of the dark ages of international postal teaching into the 21st century of the Internet. By supporting Jonathan as he developed the first WEI teaching website, Bob and Jan laid up infinite treasures in heaven. Untold thousands of students who have been led to Christ will ultimately join them in heaven and thank them for the eternal impact they have had on their lives.
Our hearts go out to Jan. In the words of Lee Allen, Bob loved and adored his sweet Jan beyond words. He loved and cherished Jan as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Together, they were one in Spirit and one in the Lord for 68 years.
We weep for ourselves as we say goodbye to Bob for a while, yet we rejoice with Bob over his victory in Jesus.
WEI Reception Plans for Ethiopia
In partnership with Church of Christ Plants ministry, WEI will be hosting our first Student Reception in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in October of this year, Lord willing. The Church Plants team will once again remain for more than a week conducting personal Bible studies with our best online students. 8,042 Ethiopian students have been claimed by teachers on our WEI teaching website since January 1, 2021. Of those students who have been claimed by teachers, 3,532 have gone on to become very good Bible students. The largest percentage of those students have come from the capital city of Addis Ababa where we plan to work with an existing Church of Christ in the city.

WEI is excited to once again be partnering with these incredible Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Murray and Keli Stewart are doing a wonderful job of continuing this evangelistic mission ministry that was started by Murray’s father, our late beloved Brother Bill Stewart and his wife Pam. Please pray that the Lord of harvest will give the increase in October.
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Your donations for printing and mailing these materials are appreciated
WEI Student Baptized in Ethiopia
Murray Stewart has become one of our most outstanding WEI online Bible teachers. He claims new students just about every day. He is also the leader of the Church of Christ Plants ministry with whom we partner when hosting WEI Student Receptions in major cities where we have an abundance of online students.
Murray recently shared with us the great news that one of his online students had put Christ on in baptism. This makes our plans for traveling to Addis Ababa even more exciting.

Murray writes,, “When Tom Langley (WEI) first started noticing Ethiopia, it was because of the number of students that were pouring in from there. That’s the reason the Church of Christ Plants team will be going there in October. We have stayed busy studying with many students online.
This last Sunday we had our first results from this endeavor. Last September, I claimed a 34-year-old married man from Harer, Ethiopia named Tesfaye Yebirhan who was an engineer. After six months of study with him online, he was ready to obey the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Praise be to God. Please pray for this new Christian this week.”
Since we are planning to go to Addis Ababa in October, we are claiming many students there so we can begin studying with them before we arrive for face-to-faith Bible classes.
Five New Baptisms in India
Prabhu Kumar, the Director of WEI-India, reports that Bro. Babu and his son-in-law in Morusumili baptized three of their WEI students into Christ, and Bro. K. Payani baptized two people in a recently constructed “baptismal tub.”

The contributions and donations you provide allow WEI to continue to reach people in all nations with the word of God.
International Teachers’ Conference
In early January Prabhu wrote, “By the grace of God, yesterday our yearly planning meeting of WEI teachers was conducted successfully.”
Twenty-five WEI teachers from all parts of Central and Southeast India gathered for fellowship, inspiration, and planning. Several preachers proclaimed the Word of God and ignited a holy fire in the hearts of those who were present

After eating lunch together, the group spent the afternoon making plans for their work in 2024.

Exciting Development in Kenya
WEI teacher, Linda Banks, a member of the Metro Church of Christ in Gresham, Oregon, reports that one of her Intermediate students, Jacinta Sarah, was recently baptized in Nairobi, Kenya.
Jacinta’s spiritual journey began when she was “baptized” by sprinkling into the Anglican church.
Linda writes, “Jacinta’s WEI lessons include many examples of people who became believers in Jesus Christ. After the conclusion of the lesson on Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, the importance of full immersion baptism became a reality to Jacinta. She made a decision, based on this newly discovered knowledge, to be fully immersed.”
Linda was able to locate someone to perform the baptism. She introduced Jacinta to Joshua Ogada, the Youth Minister at the Koma Rock Church of Christ in Nairobi and Godfrey Kweya, a member of the Church Leadership staff.

On Sunday, Jacinta worshiped at the Koma Rock church, and Joshua baptized her into Christ.
Linda says, “Jacinta was a very eager, receptive, and positive student. She would complete the assignments and return them within a four-hour time period.
“Jacinta is a retired business woman. She had a 34-year career as an insurance underwriter. She is 60 years old. . . . Jacinta expressed to me that her grandchildren are very proud of her for becoming a WEI student.”
Linda writes, “I believe Jacinta ranks among the best WEI students in the Enthusiasm Category!”
This inspiring story has several interesting side notes: First, the Koma Rock Church of Christ was established nearly half a century ago by missionary, Larry Stephens. Second, Jacinta’s WEI teacher, Linda Banks, has known and loved Larry Stephens and his family most of her life. Linda says, “It’s a small world after all!!!!!”
After learning about all of the connections, Joshua Ogada said, “We have an Amazing family of God that reaches around the globe.”
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ? Chances are you can. Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
WEI And WBS Partner Again
On January 29th, WEI teacher Perry Taylor received an exciting email from Eric Chepkwony, Director of the WBS prison ministry in Kenya. The email was not about a prison inmate. It was about a denominational preacher, David Kipngetich, one of Perry’s WEI online students.
The first words in the email were as follows; “On January 28, 2024, I baptized David Kipngetich, 50 years old, of Narok County, Kenya. David is married and blessed with 6 grown children. He has been a preacher in a denomination for years, but when he registered with online studies with WBS, then World English lessons, he began to know the Gospel truth and changed his mind to become a Christian and was added to the body of Christ through baptism.
“He is currently a student of NationsUniversiry, and he is now teaching the true gospel to his community. David is [the most] honest and humble person [I] have ever met.
“Thanks to Perry Taylor for supporting David to achieve his goal of becoming a [New Testament] Christian. We planted a church in his home in Olchorre Village where most of his peers and family attended.
“David lives in a tiny room of 10 by 12 feet which can’t hold more than 10 people, and he went the extra mile to find a house to meet in as a church in the neighborhood because the weather couldn’t allow us to worship outside. It’s raining a lot.
“Amazing[ly], God led him to a friend who promised to join the body of Christ. I am appealing: If David could find small support to rent a room where they can meet to worship every Sunday, the church growth is promising.”
Perry Taylor replied to Eric’s email saying, “Thank you so very much for studying with Brother David and convincing him to be baptized and begin working with the churches of Christ.”
WEI Goes to School in Lae, PNG
In Lae, Papua New Guinea, public high schools allow preachers from different churches to conduct Bible classes. Consequently, Arthur Tatara has been teaching the WEI Intermediate Bible Course to students in a local high school each Thursday for several years.
Arthur writes, “I have the opportunity to share the gospel with students for 40 minutes. The majority of the students are from denominations, but they are happy to hear the message every Thursday.
Arthur explains that young people who leave their family’s church and join another are punished by their parents or guardians. But, says Arthur, “I am there every Thursday to help them discover the truth and the church that Christ died for as they learn and grow to choose for themselves.”

In mid-February, Arthur started teaching WEI courses again at Malaneasian Bible College in Lae. He says, “It was a great start last week as many students came to study the Bible with me.”
WEI Learning Center in Philippines
In our last newsletter, we showed you a picture of the new WEI Learning Center in Tuguegarap City in northeastern Luzon Island. In that picture, the chairs were empty.
Since then, Edwin E. Vicente has gathered twelve WEI students who study with him at various times through the week. These are baby steps in the establishment of a new WEI Learning Center.
In the picture below, Edwin is teaching six of the twelve students he has recruited.

Edwin is off to a good start, but he is living at a sub-poverty level. He needs more support to stay alive and to keep the Learning Center going, growing, and producing fruit for the Lord.
An Invitation: We invite you to, please, consider including WEI in your 2024 church budget and join us in a concerted effort to lead the whole world to Christ
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:14
A New Afghan Brother
Katheryn H. writes, “We welcomed a new brother-in-Christ in Afghanistan this morning. He is an Afghan law student at the University of Iran. Coincidentally [?], he is friends with another of our secret Christians-–in the same home town—and they did not know about the other reading the Bible.
“We are continuing to have one baptism every 2 or 3 months, by the grace of God. I think that our new method has made all the difference in the world to reach them and keep them faithful.”
Joanna concludes, “This experience has helped me to understand the Parable of the Sower so much better. Many seeds were planted, but it took time for the plant to grow.”
Another Baptism in Knoxville, TN
We received an email from Jim Fox, a longtime member of the WEI Board of Directors and a repeat short-term missionary in Albania.
Jim wrote, “Using WEI materials, I was honored to be able to baptize Belinda Moran at the Garden Valley Church of Christ in Knoxville, TN. Belinda, a longtime friend, had suffered through some difficult times in her life and had drifted away from church and her worship of the Lord.
We discussed that she needed to be baptized for the forgiveness of her sins, and that Jesus, the Son of God, came to suffer and die in her place. She said, ‘I want to make a stronger commitment to the Lord-for myself and my children, and I’m asking for prayers that my faith will grow stronger, and I will be drawn closer to my Lord each day.’

“After her baptism, we talked about how the Lord was always there to strengthen her in difficult times and give her peace and comfort.”
Praise God for Jim Fox, his gentle spirit, and his love for people who are lost and can’t find their way.
Have you considered including WEI in your will?
By naming WEI in your estate, you will accomplish two important things:
1. You will lay up treasures in heaven; and,
2. You will help others get to heaven, too.
Honorariums and Memorials
In Honor of Dick and Maudine Ady
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Honor of Tom Bonner
Starr, Jean
In Honor of Mary Bruce
Penrod, Leecia
In Honor of Herb & Sybil Byrd
Huff, David & Laura
In Honor of Bonnie Edwards
Wallace, Anthony & Brenda
In Honor of Jerry & Bev Hines
Huff, David & Laura
In Honor of Pat Johnson
Wallace, Anthony & Brenda
In Honor of Graham McKay
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
In Honor of Rob Stevenson
Huff, David & Laura
In Honor of Jan Towell
Zoom Bible Study Ladies
In Memory of Nancy Barnett
Puryear, Randy & Libby
In Memory of Gary Cox
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Donna Dunbar
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Art Edwards
Adam, Neil & Norma
Adams, John & Ginger
Boring, Luther & Sandra
Coleman, Steve & Brenda
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Dudley, David & Vickie
Edwards, Frank & Kathleen
Elliott, Becky
Everett, Joseph & Annette
Fowler, Rick & Teresa
Fryer, Leon & Essie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Hafer, Jim & Lisa
Harris, Randall & Judy
Hasting, Robert & Marjorie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Hearon, Mike & Evelyn
Heckathorn, Bill & Linda
Holmes, Greg & Laurie
Huff, David & Laura
Kervin, Mike & Shirley
Knable, Glen & Kathryn
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville church of Christ
Mathis, Wayne & Doris
Matthews, Ronald & Renee
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Nelson, Mark & Barbara
Ohgren, Gunnar & Linda
Puryear, Randy & Libby
Rodgers, Eric & Angela
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Self, Roger & Teresa
Wallace, Tony & Brenda
Walt, Teresa
White, Diane
Willis, Dale & Debra
In Memory of Rick Farmer
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Myrna Frazier
White, Diane
In Memory of Dave Hancock
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Ken Hasting
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Les Jewell
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Bonnie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
White, Diane
In Memory of Jo Johnson
Wallace, Anthony & Brenda
In Memory of Johnny (Butch) Johnson
Tate, Jean
In Memory of Leon & Dottie Jordan
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Gunter, Charles
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Heckathorn, Bill & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Ohgren, Gunnar & Linda
Raburn, Shirley
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Stubblefield, Ann
Wallace, Anthony & Brenda
White, Diane
In Memory of Allen Knable
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Bonnie
Maryville church of Christ
White, Diane
In Memory of Bob Leatherwood
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
White, Diane
In Memory of Jo Ann Long
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Bonnie
White, Diane
In Memory of John Moreland
Skinner, Ruth
In Memory of Mozelle Morgan
Langley, Tom & Angie
Knoxville Friday Book Club
In Memory of Sherry Morris
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Downey, Nancy
Dudley, David & Vickie
Edwards, Bonnie
Fowler, Rick & Teresa
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Hafer, Jim & Lisa
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Kervin, Mike & Shirley
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville church of Christ
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Ohgren, Gunnar & Linda
Puryear, Randy & Libby
Rush, Terry & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Brenda
Walt, Teresa
White, Diane
Willis, Dale & Debra
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Donald Skinner
Skinner, Ruth
In Memory of Billie Sorensen
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
In Memory of Bennie Stevenson
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Towell
Ady, Dick & Maudine
Gray, Sandra
Huff, David & Laura
Lee, Jerry
Nims, Donald & Peggy
Taylor, Perry & Karen
Watkins, Percil & Theresa
Wentz, Zittella
Williams, Dolores
Zoom Bible Study Ladies
In Memory of Brian Van Horn
Biszmaier, Bill & Mary
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI