World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: July - September, 2023
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
A Historic WEI Seminar
The WEI West Coast Seminar at the Metro Church of Christ in Gresham, Oregon on September 30 and October 1, 2023 will be remembered as a high point in the history of World English Institute.
Jim Gillihan led a series of moving mission songs interspersed with powerful testimonials from teachers June Andersen, Dick Towell, and Jim Gillihan. These inspiring songs and testimonials were followed by exciting and informative messages by all four members of the WEI staff.
First, Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and author of most of the books in the WEI curriculum, spoke about the Great Claim, the Great Commission, and the Great Promise contained in Matthew 28:18-20. He illustrated the validity of Jesus’ promise by relating some astounding things that happened during his two mission trips to Beijing, China.
Second, Tom Langley, President of WEI, presented evidence that God is using WEI to rescue the perishing all over the world. An average of 17,292 new people register on the WEI website each month. One third of them live in predominantly Islamic countries.
Twelve WEI students were baptized into Christ during Tom’s recent mission trip to Mongolia. Tom spoke of Bartholomayo, a WEI graduate in South Sudan, who was baptized and has baptized close to 100 people and established several congregations in and around Aweil, South Sudan.
WEI mission campaigns have been conducted in Albania, Armenia, Cambodia, Hungary, India, Mongolia, Peru, Republic of Georgia, Guatemala, Romania, Uganda, and Ukraine.
Third, Darrell Wallace, WEI Director of Teacher Recruitment and Training, introduced his message by saying, “You can be a missionary at your kitchen table.” From there, he gave tips for teachers on how to keep students active and growing. For example, don’t argue with students who believe in other religions. Just introduce them to Jesus, and let Jesus speak for himself. Jesus makes extraordinary claims, and he backs them up with extraordinary evidence. Encourage your students to write in short sentences, and write to them in short sentences. In responding to their grammatical mistakes, pick one thing that needs to be corrected in each lesson. If you correct every mistake, they may give up and drop out. Commend them often.
Darrell’s zinger was, “You can get to heaven without knowing grammar, but you can’t get to heaven without knowing Jesus.”
Fourth, Lee Allen, WEI Director of Development and Teacher support, stirred our hearts by focusing attention on the 10/40 sector of the Eastern Hemisphere. The 10/40 window is the rectangular area that includes Northern Africa, the Mid-East, and most of Asia, from approximately 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. This area is often called “The Resistant Belt” and includes the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, and the non-religious.
Nearly 75% of the world’s unreached people live in just twelve countries. That’s 3.6 billion people who have never heard about Jesus Christ or his sacrifice for them.
Roughly two-thirds of the world’s population lives in the 10/40 window. Many think these people are unreachable, but God is using WEI teachers and His incredible evangelistic tool to reach and teach thousands of them every day. One third of the people who respond to our Google advertising live in predominantly Islamic countries. Multiplied millions of people in the 10/40 Window survive on just a few hundred dollars a year. Most of them have never seen or read a Bible. In many cases, they and their families would be in serious trouble if they were caught reading a Bible.
Going forward, much of our Google advertising will be focused on the 10/40 window. We believe that all WEI students should have access to the Bible. Therefore, we plan to add the entire Bible to our encrypted teaching website so that they can feed on God’s word daily, grow toward spiritual maturity, and share what they learn with others. “To God be the glory; great things he has done.” Amen.
We would be remiss if we did not express our appreciation to Rick Edgemon, Associate Minister of the Metro Church of Christ in Gresham, who did an outstanding job as the Master of Ceremonies.
We also thank the Metro elders who sponsored this seminar and whose predecessors launched WEI thirty-four years ago.
We are especially thankful to Linda Banks who helped promote the event and supervised setting up and decorating the display tables and organized a silent auction for WEI.
Finally, we thank Almighty God for empowering, guiding, and blessing us in our efforts to glorify his name.
An Invitation: We invite you to, please, consider including WEI in your 2024 church budget and join us in a concerted effort to lead the whole world to Christ.
Why Be a WEI Teacher?
That’s the question that June Andersen asks. “You don’t get a salary. It takes time. Is it really worth the time spent being a teacher?”
“Let me tell you why it is worth it. If you can’t travel all over the world, this is a wonderful way to follow your dreams of being a missionary. If you love the Lord and love people, this is the best possible thing you could do.”
“Let me tell you about one of my students. She has been baptized and is doing all she can to be a better Christian, and she wants to learn more about God.”
“Prudence Sinzobahwanya is from Bujumura Maria, Burundi. I would like to share her thoughts now. This is why I teach with WEI.”
Prudence writes, “WEI means a lot to me. From being a WEI student to being a WEI teacher, I found strong truth about salvation. I found that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light. That was the start for me to repent and accept Jesus Christ as my personal King and Savior. I decided to get baptized by immersion, and now I am a Metro Church of Christ online member. [Metro’s Sunday services are live-streamed on YouTube, and Prudence worships with us regularly.]”
“When I read Bible verses used for English teaching, I feel the possibility of life. I realized that God still loves me. I am so grateful that God used WEI English teaching to give me salvation. I feel humbled. I am so glad our Lord called me to his big Metro Church of Christ family. I couldn’t have come this far without God’s grace. I love the Lord, and I am willing to do his will no matter how hard it gets.”
A Whirlwind Stirs Up South Sudan
When WEI student, Bartholomayo, was baptized into Christ, he came out of the water preaching the gospel. Following him is like following a whirlwind. He is a modern John the Baptist. People in northern South Sudan are flocking to hear him preach, and he is baptizing people in droves.
When a church building is available, he stands on a box and preaches to a crowd. When there is no building, he preaches to people under a tree. In the picture below, we see the tree venue of his seminar in Buol Akop. On the first day of the seminar, Bart wrote, “First day of the seminar went well today. The congregation sit under tree on soil with no chairs.”
At the end of this seminar, Bartholomayo baptized fourteen people into Christ.
Praise God for His modern John the Baptist!!!!
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Additional funds for printing and mailing these materials are needed.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:14
WEI Bears More Fruit In Nigeria
Aniefiok Akpan, Founder of Rhema Christian Academy and the Campus Church of Christ in Uruk Otong, Nigeria, writes, “Two female students of Rhema Christian Academy, Iniso Effiong Udo, and Imefon Otobong Nsini, accepted Christ and were baptized yesterday at the Campus Church of Christ, Uruk Otong, Nigeria.”
“We use World English Institute booklets and a projector to teach all our junior high school students on a daily basis. Only our senior high school students are studying [WEI] with American teachers using the Internet and our new ICT Center.”
“A great number of our students have developed interest in attending Bible classes, prayer meetings, and worship services at the campus church. Yesterday, two such students accepted Christ after listening to the sermon. They were baptized at a village stream.”
The first three-day WEI Youth Conference is being planned at Rhema Christian Academy on December 7-9, 2023 with English grammar and Bible studies and a football (soccer) tournament.
Aniefiok says, “Four villages will complete for glory in the Under-13 Football Tournament, and only students of World English Institute will participate in the tournament. The conference will give us a better opportunity to teach the youths of our community about Christ and his offer of salvation.”
New Sister in South Africa
Debbie Eakman has been teaching a woman in South Africa named Simke Gombela. Debbie writes, “During our WEI lessons, Simke emailed and said she wanted to find a church. I contacted Angie Langley, and she contacted Ben Little, and he found Mr. Masoga, minister of the City Church of Christ in Tongaat, South Africa. Mr.Masoga contacted Simke, they started studying the Bible together, and Simke started going to City Church of Christ.”
Today, Debbie sent out an email under the title, “Praise and Thanksgiving.” With great excitement, she wrote, “Simke Gombela gave her life to Christ in Baptism on September 28th. ALL GLORY TO GOD!! She teaches the Zulu language, and she has a daughter who is 24 years old.”
The picture below is “of her baptism at City Church of Christ. Pray for God’s guidance and blessing on Simke as she continues her walk with Jesus. Also pray for Mr. Masoga, the City Church, and Simke’s daughter.”
If you would like to send Simke a note of congratulations and encouragement, her email address is
If you are interested in a short-term mission experience, contact Tom Langley at for more information.
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ? Chances are you can. Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
Meet Your New Sister in Ghana
WEI teacher, Kay Banta, began teaching Rodah in January 2023. Rodah is a twenty-four-year-old elementary school teacher. Kay says, “From the start, her comments were thorough. . . .When she was into the advanced lessons, I noted her seriousness.” Kay’s heart leaped when Rodah said she wanted to “fish many into the kingdom.”
Kay asked Rodah if she would like to meet a local preacher to discuss baptism. When Rodah said, “Yes,” Kay introduced her to Isaac Sanyu. After setting a date for her baptism, Rodah disappeared.
Kay said, “We got worried about her. I kept texting into emptiness telling her I was praying. Finally, in July, she answered all ten mails and revealed that her phone had been stolen, and her faith almost was too.”
After Kay and Rodah had studied daily for a week, Kay received an email from Isaac saying, “God is good. Finally, Rodah made it to church today. We were all so happy to see her. We immediately had a change [of clothing] and baptized her into Christ. Fred, our evangelism minster, gave her a Bible. We shall be visiting her home this week. Thank you so much for your persistence and encouragement for her to be added to the kingdom of God.”
Leading People to Christ in PNG
While Arthur Tatara was studying in the Singapore branch of Sunset International Bible Institute, he became a WEI Internet student. He got so excited about what he learned in the WEI courses, he decided to use them in his ministry in Papua New Guinea. Since then, he has taught WEI Intermediate lessons in public high school classes, and he has taught the advanced courses to students at Melanesian Bible College in Lae. He also preaches for the church attached to the college.
On Saturday, July 29, twenty of Arthur’s students graduated with diplomas in Biblical Studies. In the picture below, Arthur celebrates with his students and their families at a special graduation dinner.
Only God knows the impact Arthur is having on the Lord’s church in PNG.
God’s Work Continues in Philippines
Soon after Edwin E. Vicente was baptized into Christ, the Covid-19 pandemic engulfed the Philippines, and Edwin lost his job. With no source of income, he sold most of his earthly possessions to pay for food and lodging. Instead of complaining, he gathered a group of children in his community and taught them what he had learned from WEI.
Providentially, God stirred the hearts of a few WEI teachers and friends, and they provided enough funding for Edwin to open a WEI Learning Center in San Fernando City on Luzon Island. Since then, God has worked through Edwin to lead numerous young people and adults to Christ and to establish a congregation at the Learning Center.
At this point in time, financial support for Edwin and the Learning Center has dropped off, and Edwin will soon be forced to return to his old job while working at the Learning Center in the evenings and on weekends.
Edwin says, “Regarding my commitment to WEI, I am working on the lessons because there are lots of adults who are interested in listening to the word of God after their working hours.”
After meeting with such a group last week, Edwin wrote, “In a heartwarming gathering, I had the privilege of meeting a group of public school cleaners and canteen helpers who were yearning to reconnect with their faith. These dedicated individuals explained that they were not able to attend church services due to their busy schedules, and they expressed their gratitude to me for stepping up to preach for them.”
“The fellowship was a moving experience for all involved. I expressed my feelings of being blessed and overjoyed that these individuals had opened their hearts to Christ.”
“This fellowship marks the beginning of a spiritual journey that will absolutely impact the lives and spiritual growth of these remarkable people.”
Have you considered including WEI in your will?
By naming WEI in your estate, you will accomplish two important things:
1. You will lay up treasures in heaven; and,
2. You will help others get to heaven, too.
The contributions and donations you provide allow WEI to continue to reach people in all nations with the word of God.
Honorariums and Memorials
Davis, Doug & Barbara
In Memory of Greg Allen
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Kincer, Iva
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Bonnie Anderson
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Roland Barton
Barton, Ann
Benson, Norma
In Memory of Joy Bishop
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of George Black
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Thomas J. Bradley Jr.
Williams, Dolores
In Memory of Joe Don Brymer
Rieck, Cindy
In Memory of Barbara Burton
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Jimmie Ann Cliett
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Gary Cox
Adam, Neil & Norma
Adams, John & Ginger
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville church of Christ
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
Terry, Bill & Carolyn
White, Diane
In Memory of David Crouch
Conley, William & Ava
In Memory of Janet Dale
Loeffler, Marty & Keith
In Memory of Juanita Dockery
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Charles “Chuck” Drum
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
White, Diane
In Memory of Lisa Ehrhart
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Gail England
Eastman, Alma
Robinson, Lois
In Memory of Nelda Jo Huddleston
Adams, James & Carol
Byrd, Bennie & Clementina
Griffin, Jim & Diane
Langley, Tom & Angie
Renfroe, Larry & Martha
Self, Roger & Teresa
In Memory of Linda Hughes
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Robert Earl Johnson Sr.
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Barry Kieffer
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
In Memory of Evelyn “Sally” Matthews
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Taylor, James & Rebecca
White, Diane
In Memory of Hope Michael
Duncan, Wayne & Gloriann
In Memory of Priscilla Millard
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Mr. Johnnie Miller
Anderson, Richard
In Memory of Ivean Pack
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Maryville church of Christ
In memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of James Ramsey
Adams, John & Ginger
In Memory of James Ramsey
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
In Memory of Sarah Rice
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Rena Sadler
Hubbert, Barbara
In Memory of Dale Walker
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Whitten
Carden, Robert & Virginia
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI