World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: July - September, 2022
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
WEI Helps Sponsor and Host the European Vision Workshop, (EVW) by Tom Langley
WEI is so blessed to partner with many missions- related ministries in the brotherhood of churches of Christ. One of those unique partnerships involves our co-sponsorship with Sunset International Bible Institute and Partners in Progress in hosting the European Vision Workshop. WEI chose to help support this workshop because of our vast historical roots and network of students, teachers, and church leaders in Albania and Romania, as well as other European countries.

Historically, Bill McDonough and Partners in Progress have helped to plant churches using our WEI materials as a tool to study the Bible with students in locations throughout the world. Nearly all the church leaders in Albania learned the Gospel first from WEI studies, and then later were trained as church leaders and ministers from Sunset’s extension school locations.
During the individual introductions almost all the Albanian leaders introduced themselves as Christian products of WEI. It was a truly humbling and meaningful testament to the effectiveness of the WEI tool. Praise God.
This annual workshop began in 2016 in Athens, Greece as a meeting of European church leaders gathering for three days to discuss the Syrian war refugee crisis flooding Europe at that time. It was used also as an opportunity to offer encouragement to our many European church leaders facing the challenges of ministry and evangelism in small but faithful congregations spread throughout the European continent.
This year the EVW was held in Rome, Italy and the emphasis was again on ministering to and evangelizing among the Ukrainian war refugees displaced after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Approximately 140 were in attendance. Encouragement and evangelism was the focus of two full days of classes and reports. Inspiring stories by our brothers and sisters in Christ were shared particularly by those on the front lines of refugee ministry in Poland and Romania.
The 3 keynote addresses each evening delivered by Brother Bill Watkins of the Crieve Hall church of Christ in Nashville, TN were powerful and inspiring messages to continue preaching the lifesaving Gospel of Christ in every and all circumstances. Many WEI teaching plans were discussed for 2023, and the Workshop did not fail to encourage, inspire, and impart a sense of much needed post-pandemic Christian unity, love, and fellowship among all the attendees.
It was a pure joy and blessing to represent and promote WEI at this year’s EVW. The EVW also provided an opportunity to publicly introduce Elvin Xhimitiku as our new WEI promotional site webmaster. Elvin briefly spoke about his history of coming to Christ through WEI studies and then using WEI to convert his wife to be. They are now raising two beautiful children in the love and admonition of the Lord.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:14
God Provides a Partner for Edwin
During the past year, Edwin E. Vicente has been stretching himself to the breaking point as Director of the WEI Learning Center in San Fernando City, Philippines and as Minister of the new congregation that he established at the Center.
As a relatively new member of the church of Christ, Edwin wisely sought help from the veteran preaching elder of the San Fernando Church of Christ, Dr. John C. Quiniones.
On August 25, Edwin wrote, “I am happy to let you know that I, Brother John, and his wife had a formal discussion yesterday, and we agreed that he will start to be our preacher beginning the first Sunday of September.”
At 7:30 AM August 21, Brother John and his wife Feliciad joined Edwin and other Christians at Acupulco Beach and John baptized two of Edwin’s WEI students, Andrea and Ninio, in the surf.

After Bro. John preached and taught a Bible class at the WEI Learning Center, Edwin reported, “I and our new Christians were impressed by the way he presented the Study. At the age of 73, he teaches well. He presented the topic clearly so that everyone understood. He is the one who is fitted for this kind of calling because he retired as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and Director of the Research Department of Union Christian College here in San Fernando City. We are blessed to have him as our preacher.”
“Brother John has been preaching the gospel since 1971. In addition to serving as volunteer preacher at the Church of Christ in San Fernando City, he is currently a Bible Professor at Heritage Bible College at Baguio City and at Philippine Bible College, Baguio City.

More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Your donations for printing and mailing these materials are appreciated.
Help WEI Teach the Lost in the World by Lee Allen
Would you take a few moments and imagine living in a different part of our world without knowing who God and Jesus are? Please walk with me for a minute. Imagine us waking up each morning and living in darkness every day without a relationship with God. Hurting, searching, and struggling to survive in desperate and hopeless settings. Imagine living each day with no hope of an eternal future. Yes, lost and separated from God, and we don’t know why.
In Romans 10, verses 14-15 Paul writes: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”
When I read these four powerful, inspiring questions, I cannot hold back the tears. Every lost person in the world deserves the opportunity to read and study the Bible. They desperately need to know our awesome God and amazing Creator who loves them immeasurably more than they could ever dream or imagine. They must hear the good news of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who took upon himself the sins of the whole world, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
God ‘s incredible evangelistic tool continues to open hearts, change lives, and share the hope of eternal life. Currently over 4,800 precious souls from all around the world are beginning Bible studies with us each month. Please seriously consider allowing God to make his appeal through you to help save lost souls. From the comfort of your home, you can go into all the world. How beautiful are the fingers of those who bring good news! Register as a WEI teacher today. Go to:
A Message from a WEI Teacher

“Do you want to do something helpful and good for the Lord? Be a WEI Internet teacher. You will make friends with people around the world, and God will use you to introduce them to his Son.
“I am building relationships that are wonderful and dear to me. For example, on May 25, 2022, I began corresponding with Prudence Sinzobahwanya from Bujumburu, Burundi, East Africa. I didn’t know if she would ever become a New Testament Christian, but I knew I could plant the seed.
“Prudence told me that she would like to know more about Christ. After she studied the lessons on baptism, she asked me how she could become a Christian. Through Dick Ady and Jan Towell, we were able to find a minister in a village close to her and he set up an appointment. Prudence sent me a message on August 15th saying that she was now my sister in Christ. Joy filled my heart, and tears flowed.”

“Prudence graduated from WEI on September 6, 2022. She asked me what she could do as a woman in the church. I suggested that she get some girls or women together and tell them about God and help them become Christians. She is now meeting with about six women and talking about Jesus. She wants to be a WEI teacher so she can help spread the gospel. Her desire is strong.
“Prudence wanted to talk to other Christians, so I suggested that she worship online with the Metro Church of Christ in Gresham, Oregon. She is doing that every Sunday morning and takes the Lord’s Supper with us. She has become a part of our congregation. Three of our women have contacted her. The entire congregation said “Hello” to her one Sunday morning before the services started. That truly helped her heart.”
June has about 2750 people on her list of students. She says, “My life has definitely changed. WEI is my life. Just ask my husband. He is very understanding. I love WEI. I love helping others. I love being able to spread the word of God. I can’t stand it when I see 270, 300, 375 students waiting for a teacher/a friend.”
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ? Chances are you can.
Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
A New Day Is Dawning in Nigeria
After a fourteen-year hiatus, the High School at Rhema Christian Academy opened its doors to students again on September 12. As of September 28, a total of 73 high school students had enrolled, and more were expected.
Between 2005 and 2008, when Aniefiok was using WEI materials to teach English and the Bible to RCA High School students, he was baptizing young people almost weekly. I said at that time, “This is the most exciting thing that is happening in WEI.”
Then Satan stuck his foot in the door, and the government closed the high school due to “inadequate facilities.” Even though the foundation had been poured and construction had begun on a new multi-purpose building, the Nigerian Ministry of Education would not bend its rules.
Now the mighty hand of God has re-opened the door for RCA High School. Aniefiok writes, “God has a way of doing his own things. A new Secretary has been appointed at the Ministry of Education. He happens to be a faithful brother and a member of a congregation I served from 1996 to 2001. With his influence, we are allowed to resume the high school programme with temporary facilities pending the completion of the auditorium. He advised us on how to set up a temporary library, science laboratory, and ICT Centre in one large room, and we are working on that. We will still need a final approval in three years for our students to take their final exams to graduate from high school. We trust God to help us meet the requirements when the time comes.”

Progress Report
Aniefiok writes, “I can’t wait to share some exciting updates and good news with you. Brother Lee Allen has donated $3,000 for us to buy six computers for the WEI studies at Rhema Christian Academy. This morning, he met Lola [Crouch], and Lola said she would add $1,000 to make it $4,000 so that we can buy eight computers. We need 20-30 computers at the ITC Center for the WEI studies and other academic activities of the school.”
Sometimes God overwhelms us with opportunity and puts our faith to the test. On September 30, Aniefiok wrote, “Our Christian Mission in Uruk Otong, Nigeria is growing at an alarming rate following the reactivation of our high school programme. The pupil and student population has increased from less than 100 last year to 216. The number of worshipers at our campus church has also increased greatly.”

Aniefiok continues “Every growth comes with responsibility. Due to the increase in the number of pupils and students, we are running out of space for classrooms and have to make some adjustments. We have adjusted our classroom setting to allow 2-3 classes to share one classroom.
“Our small chapel and worship hall no longer accommodate the growing population of the school. Hence, we have resolved to conduct our daily school [chapel] at 11;00 am under one of our big trees. Today, rainfall disrupted the chapel Worship. We hope to complete our chapel auditorium someday.”
A New Life in Nigeria
Earlier this year, a junior high girl at RCA, Emem Sunday Archibong, was raped on her way to school, and her throat was slashed with a sharp knife. Aniefiok says, “Her life was miraculously spared by God for a purpose. Yesterday, she gave her life to Christ in obedience to the gospel and was baptized in a village stream.”

WEI in Nigeria Requests Assistance
Aniefiok writes, “Please, if you are a WEI teacher and would like to help teach some of our high school students English and the Bible using WEI materials, kindly send your name and [email] address and tell us how many students you would like to start with. Don’t worry about the lesson booklets. We will print them here at RCA using our RISO printing machine. If you would like to add your name to the list, contact Aniefiok at
Aniefiok concludes, “There’s one more obstacle to overcome. Our Mikano electricity generator needs some repairs and maintenance work. The Mikano Company in Port Harcourt, Rivers State told us it would cost about $500 to replace the damaged board, accessories, and repair the generator.”
WEI in Melanesian Bible College
Arthur Tatara reports that “Friday, the 15th of July, was a joyous day for students and staff of Melanesian Bible College as we graduated our second year and final year students. Over 200 young people came to witness the graduation ceremony

Arthur is a busy young preacher. He leads Christian camps. He speaks at youth rallies. He preaches in mountain villages. At this writing, he has been invited to be the guest speaker at a men’s worship retreat. But Author thinks the very best way to spread the gospel in Papua New Guinea is to teach Bible classes at Melanesian Bible College.
Arthur explains that students at Melanesian Bible College “come from various churches but are keen to learn about the Lord’s church. It’s very difficult to change the students’ thoughts about the church because they grow up in denominations and believe what their parents taught them. However WEI materials were helpful as I used them to answer some of their questions about the church. Their knowledge of the church of Christ was fulfilled.”
Arthur says that some students come to prepare for ministry, and WEI is providing sermon material for them that will influence their preaching.
Arthur says that the WEI course on God is the most popular religious course being taught in the college. Arthur is teaching the courses on God and Christian evidences to fifteen new students this school year.
Finally, Arthur says, “Currently, I am teaching my cousin to teach Bible classes in the secondary school using the WEI lessons.”
We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022church budget. Please join us in a concerted effort tolead the whole world to Christ.
Another Baptism in Afghanistan by an Anonymous WEI Teacher
A year ago last May, young Malachi (not his real name) became a WEI student. After beginning his WEI lessons, he asked his teacher, “What can I do to help my people?”
A month later, his teacher showed up in Afghanistan. He attended worship and met his teacher, and at the end of the service, he and his wife decided to become Christians. This was the same day the Taliban took control of Kabul and the palace.
Malachi and 95% of Afghans lost their jobs under the tyranny of the Taliban. This promising executive swallowed his pride, used the muscles he had developed in martial arts, and went to work 12 hours a day at hard labor to support himself and two other families.
While on this job, Malachi met an old man almost twice his age. He had found a way to serve his people. He taught this old man the gospel and the truth of Christianity.
In late August, Malachi wrote his teacher, “I have found a new friend. I think he is ready to become a Christian. He wants to be baptized. What do I do?” A few days later, he took the old man to a pool and baptized him.
And so it is, in this war-torn country that has been fought over by other countries for centuries, where there is unemployment, food and fuel shortage, and all but outright slavery, the secret church of Christ marches forward.
Cynthia Is Baptized in Zambia
Terry Hickerson, WEI teacher in Ohio, received an email from Cynthia, his student in Zambia, saying that she was so emotional she had to cry. Terry also received an email from Kennedy Mumuka, the preacher who had just baptized Cynthia into Christ. Brother Mumuka wrote, “It was really heartwarming to see sister Cynthia surrender her life to Christ through the waters of baptism. I have never seen a person so driven and dedicated to obeying Christ as I witnessed today. It was an emotional experience for Cynthia, and I am positive, that with a good support system, she will be a gem in God’s kingdom. Continue encouraging her, and we shall also be doing our part on this side. Glory be to Yahweh, our Father. In service to Christ, Kennedy.”

WEI would not be able to reach people in all nations
with the word of God without your support,
contributions, and donations.
Honorariums and Memorials
N. Macarthur church of Christ
In Honor of Tom Bonner
Starr, Jean
In Honor of Katheryn Haddad
Conley, Charles & Donna
In Memory of all those who have recently
passed away at Maryville church of Christ
Jordan, Robert Leon & Dottie
In Memory of Neal Ackerman
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Roland Barton
Campbell, Kevin & Stacie
In Memory of Al Behel
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Rex Brock
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
In Memory of Howard Bybee
Bradley, Jack & Dolores
In Memory of Ken Caraway
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Harris, Randall & Judy
Langley, Tom & Angie
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
In Memory of Thelma Carr
Dean Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Dr. Cheryl Coleman
Maryville church of Christ
In Memory of Joe Collinsworth
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of David Crouch
Conley, Charles & Donna
In Memory of Bill Eastman
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of Pam Fath
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Pittman, David & Presty
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Spencer, Dan
In Memory of Bobby Fesmire
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Pat Foster
Kincer, Iva
In Memory of Rebecca Anne (Hodges) Foster
Foster, Jim
In Memory of Evelyn Alice Fowler
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Langley, Tom & Angie
In Memory of Bruce Gough
Gough, Sean & April
In Memory of Carl Hafer
Harris, Randall & Judy
In Memory of Mary Hafer
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Harris, Randall & Judy
In Memory of Jean Hicks
Bishop, Joy
Harris, Randall & Judy
Langley, Tom & Angie
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Spencer, Dan
In Memory of Chris Houser
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Langley, Tom & Angie
Spencer, Dan
In Memory of Hank & Ginger Lawson
Nelson, Danah
In Memory of Joyce Lewis
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Donnie Lynn
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
In Memory of B.A. Maner
Spencer, Dan
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Teresa McClanahan
Bishop, Joy
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Spencer, Dan
White, Diane
In Memory of Barbara Jeanne Mohundro
Allen, lee & Jan
Grimes, Don & Annie
In Memory of Christina Niva
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Maureen O’Donnell
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Jeffrey O’Neal
Griffin, Jim & Diane
In Memory of Nancy Carol Perry
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Eastside church of Christ, Maryville
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Maryville church of Christ
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Curtis Pile
Anderson, Richard
In Memory of Sam Puryear
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Fleeman, Helen
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Jim Sentell
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
In Memory of Darrell Skinner
Skinner, Ruth
In Memory of Charlotte Smith
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Theresa Smith
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Osalene Smithson
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Langley, Tom & Angie
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Whitten
Carden, Robert & Virginia
In Memory of Jeff Widener
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Robert Williams
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
England, Tom & Pat
In Memory of Mildred Winstead
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Cox, Gary & Sharon
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Caroyln
Harris, Randall & Judy
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
Maryville church of Christ
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Parker, Mike
Pittman, David & Presty
Rush, Terry
Spencer, Dan
Walt, Teresa
In Memory of Paul Yates
Adams, John & Ginger
Bishop, Joy
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Huff, David & Laura
Langley, Tom & Angie
McClellan Bruce & Brenda
Metzer, Robert & Cathryn
Samuels, Lawrence & Linda
Spencer, Dan
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI