World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: July - September, 2021
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
Welcome Darrell and Robin Wallace
Earlier this year, on March 1, Darrell Wallace came aboard the WEI staff as Director of Teacher Recruitment and Training. This allowed Lee Allen to focus on maintaining the teaching website and raising funds to keep this global ministry growing.
Darrell has a passion for world missions. In fact, he is an avid WEI Internet teacher, and the WEI board saw in him the kind of man we needed to help share Lee Allen’s heavy load. From the beginning, Darrell has been a blessing to all of us.

Darrell and Robin began their lives together in 1980. They had known each other since they were teenagers riding the same school bus in Park City, Kentucky. When they married, they moved into an old five-room tenant house on his father’s farm. In 1983, they left the farm, and Darrell got a job in a factory while Robin stayed at home and cared for their infant daughter.
In 1987 Darrell enrolled in Sunset School of Preaching in Lubbock, Texas, now Sunset International Bible Institute. He says, “This changed the trajectory of our lives.” By the time he graduated from Sunset in 1989, he and Robin had two small children, a daughter and a son, and they moved back to Kentucky where Darrell preached for two congregations during the next five years.
In 1994, Sunset sent them to Athens, Greece where Darrell became an instructor at Athens International Bible Institute. Darrell says, “As God would have it, I served as Interim Director in addition to being an instructor for about one and a half years.”
Darrell and Robin have proved to be good parents. Darrell says, “Our daughter married a faithful Christian young man, a youth minister in Kentucky. Our son married a wonderful young Christian woman. We now have two grandchildren.
Darrell has served as elder, pulpit minister, and artist. (See his artwork at Darrell says, “My passion is to help those who do not know Jesus to know him who loved us and gave himself for us.” Please join us as we welcome Darrell and Robin with open arms.
WEI Reception in Yerevan, Armenia
In early July, Tom Langley led a small team of teachers to Yerevan, Armenia and conducted a reception for WEI Internet students in that city of one million residents.
After the reception, Tom wrote, “The reception was well attended by a room full of smiling and grateful students. Almost all of them signed up for subsequent, one to one, private Bible classes. All the students who came were so excited. Most of them stayed and visited for a full two hours.”

Tom confessed that he and the four teachers were “immersed” in the culture. Unknowingly, the reception had been scheduled on a religious holiday called “Varvadar” which somehow commemorated Noah and the flood. On that day, young people walked around the city dumping buckets of water on pedestrians. Tom said, “The 5 of us did not escape the madness as we walked around the city today. Lots of laughter!” Tom said, “Several students wrote to me in advance saying they could not come because they did not want to get soaking wet walking to the reception.”
Tom reported: “One sweet lady did not delay becoming a member of God’s kingdom even though she would be alone, hopefully for a short time. She was immersed in the waters of baptism by her teacher, Brother Gary Argon. Other students were very interested in becoming Christians as well.”
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Additional funds for printing and mailing these materials are needed.

Upon returning home, Tom reports: “We are planning to host another WEI reception and to study with more WEI students in November because there is a permanent presence of the church there. The same team [Adam Dollen, Gary Argon, Ryan Campbell, and Paula Rosa] will return.”
God is at work in Yerevan, Armenia. He is using WEI to spread the good news about Jesus and to plant a New Testament church in that city.
Missionary Family Moves to Yerevan
After communicating with Tom, John-Paul Zarkodonsky, his wife, Beckie, and their two young boys, Zaid and Titus, moved to Yerevan to follow up on 1,000 WEI Internet students and establish a new congregation.

In their first newsletter, John-Paul writes, “I’m reminded of the words of one of my past instructors, ‘Prepare as much as you can and pray. God will provide the opportunity.’”
After spending nearly two months in Canada preparing for their departure, John-Paul and his family flew to Yerevan, Armenia to begin their work as long-term missionaries. John-Paul and Beckie were sick for a week after their arrival, but they are feeling better now. Through a window of their new apartment, they have a beautiful view of cloud-enshrouded Mount Ararat.
John-Paul writes, “Unfortunately, because we were sick on Sunday, we did not get to meet our sister Gale. However, we are looking forward to having her meet with us on Sunday and worshiping our God together.
“There is much work to do. For October, we will establish the church in our home and begin making contacts through World English Institute and our personal acquaintances. At the same time, we will be learning and adjusting to Armenian customs.
“God bless you as you pray for our family and the Armenian people. Love in Christ. John-Paul, Beckie, Zaid, and Titus.”
This new church plant in Yerevan is an electrifying development in the history of New Testament Christianity in modern Armenia. Let us praise God from whom all blessings flow.
P.S. John Paul and his family are sponsored by the North Charleston Church of Christ, P.O. Box 41290, North Charleston, South Carolina 29423.
Exciting Developments in PNG
Arthur Tatara, our dynamic WEI teacher in Papua New Guinea, is being used by God to make a profound and wholesome impact upon people in his homeland.
During the past year, Arthur has taught six WEI books (Christian Evidences and the course on God) at Melanesian Bible College in the city of Lae.
During the summer, Arthur spent three months in Waria Valley (about 120 miles south of his home in Lae) helping the Asama Church of Christ prepare the Morobe Provincial Youth Camp–the camp he will direct this December.
Building a new campsite for the 1,500 young people who are expected to be there for a week is a gigantic task. Arthur and members of the churches of Christ in Waria Valley cleared land, built fifteen houses, planted ten taro gardens, and raised fourteen pigs for the camp.

Arthur says, “We are praying and hoping that there will be a good number of baptisms between December 14th and 19th, so keep praying for the harvest.”
Satan obviously did not like what was going on in Waria Valley this summer. First, he sent false teachers into the valley to frighten Christians by warning that they would receive 666 on their bodies if they were vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus.
Christian brothers in Waria Valley set up a tent, and Arthur explained the true meaning of 666 from Revelation 13:18.

Arthur says, “Our greatest challenge is the devil who used unbelievers to destroy the faith of Christians in Waria Valley. I was there helping them [Christians] to look at Jesus as the basis of our faith, and not what people say. In doing this, some of the Christians were brought back and restored to the church.”
Imagine what could have happened if Arthur had not been there to defend the truth revealed in God’s word.
Arthur has a month to raise enough money to buy a generator and to purchase enough canvas to cover the camp’s worship center. That seems impossible, but all things are possible with God.
We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022 church budget.
Please join us in a concerted effort to lead the whole world to Christ.
God Continues to Grow WEI
We are happy to introduce Elvin Xhimitiku, our Albanian brother who sends our quarterly newsletters to people around the world electronically.
Elvin is in the process of building a beautiful informational/promotional website for WEI. To view it, click on

We also want to introduce Harrison Morgan, our new part-time technology specialist. He is the technician who keeps our teaching website operational so that WEI Internet teachers will be able to continue spreading the good news about Jesus in every nation.

Introducing Marcella Bailey
Marcella Bailey is one of our many dedicated and effective WEI Internet teachers. She grew up in Barnesville, Ohio. She has been married to Karyl Bailey for 59 years, and they have two children and four grandchildren. She was baptized into Christ in 1954, and she is currently a member of the College Church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas.
Marcella earned a Secretarial/Stenographic degree from Business College in Ohio and has served as Office Manager in the Economics Department in the School of Business at Harding University. She has traveled to 54 countries via Overseas Semester Programs at Harding University.

Marcella says, “I have been blessed to be a WEI team member for four years.” WEI has also been blessed by Marcella’s partnership in world evangelism. The following article illustrates the point.
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ?
Chances are you can.
Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our website and signing up at
34 Baptisms in South Sudan
One of the best WEI Internet students Marcella has taught during the past four years is a dynamic young man named Bartholomayo, a resident of Aweil, about 500 miles north of Juba. When Bartholomayo graduated from WEI, he expressed a desire to be baptized. Marcella and Lola Crouch spent four months searching for someone to baptize Bartholomayo and other WEI students in Aweil. When American missionaries arrived, they baptized thirteen WEI and WBS students thus establishing a church in Aweil. Immediately, Bartholomayo started sharing his faith with others and baptizing them into Christ.
On August 31, Marcella wrote to Tom Langley, Lee Allen, Lola Crouch, Jan Towell, and Dick Ady, virtually bursting with joy. She wrote, “I am so very excited to have received this message from Bartholomayo. Bartholomayo had communicated with me that he was going to a place called Malualkhon for ‘teaching.” I assumed he was going to attend a seminar-type program. I WAS SO WRONG!!!! He went to Malualkhon to DO THE TEACHING!!! He sent the following message and pictures.”
Bartholomayo wrote, “These are the pictures of two days of preaching in Malualkhon town, Aweil East, and 34 people who believed and were baptized into Christ.”

With joy, Marcella concludes: “Remarkable!!!! Bartholomayo is making a great difference in his part of the world. When I received these pictures and his message, I was thrilled beyond words. I can only imagine the grand rejoicing in heaven, with God and his angels, that 34 precious souls were baptized into Christ and added to the family of God. I am so happy to receive and share this wonderful news.”
WEI Postal Teachers Needed:
You can become a WEI postal teacher.
Please contact us at the Gresham office, if you are willing and able to teach some WEI students.
Using WEI for Home Schooling
Tina Hoover (the Adys’ granddaughter) writes, “As I approach this fourth year of homeschooling my children (ages 8, 11, 12, and 14), I wanted to find a way to be more intentional in my Bible teaching. I had previously been reading through parts of the Old and New Testaments with them, but I wanted to give my children a better understanding of the Bible as a whole and God’s plan of salvation.”

“The WEI Intermediate Bible Course was the perfect solution. The writing is clear and easy enough for my younger children to understand, while still holding the attention of my 14-year-old. The pictures and questions at the end of each lesson add to their interest, making our Bible lesson a time they look forward to each morning.
“We are moving through the booklets slowly, spending about four days on each lesson. My children read the material to me and then listen as I read it to them because I want them to absorb and internalize the content.
“I’m grateful to have this resource, and I highly recommend it to any parents desiring to give their children a solid foundation for understanding God’s word.”
WEI would not be able to reach people in all nation
with the word of God without your support,
contributions, and donations.
Baptism in the Philippines
Steven Prine is the WEI Internet teacher who baptized Edwin Vicente, and he is currently teaching Edwin’s daughter, Amarah Claire (AC). He also has been teaching another Filipino student by the name of Tristan Harvey Day.
Steven says, “Great News. Tristan Harvey Day, one of my [Filipino] students, has obeyed the Gospel. I started a conversation with him very early in his study. I gave him my email address and provided him with some information pertaining to the Gospel and how the Gospel is directly tied to baptism.

“He [Tristan}was from a Pentecostal background, but after studying our lessons on instrumental music and speaking in tongues, he said he no longer associates with them. This opened the door for me. He told me that they now tell him he is different from them! Before he finished the advanced course, he wanted to obey the Gospel.”
Due to the pandemic, Steven says that it was difficult to connect Tristan with his contacts in the Philippines. Tristan gave Steven his phone number, and Steven relayed it to Erben Gonzales. Erben and two other brothers (Clemente Lazaga, and Christian Corpuz) “took a church van and drove about two hours. Because of the pandemic, they could not find any swimming pools open to baptize him, so they went to look for a river close by. Finding one, they baptized him into Christ.

Steven writes, “There is no congregation nearby, so Erben is working with Tristan to worship online with him until a church can be established here, or one can be established nearby.”
A New Birth in Nigeria
Aniefiok Akpan, the Lord’s brilliant WEI champion in Nigeria, writes, “I have resumed work in the pulpit at the Campus Church of Christ, in Uruk Otong after 3 months of break. It has taken me 4 months to recover from my recent malaria and typhoid fever attacks.
“Yesterday, I preached a sermon titled ‘Let Brotherly Love Continue,’ based on Hebrews 13;1. A young man named Etido Ndaeyo responded to the gospel and asked to be baptized after listening to the sermon. Two of his kids are studying at Rhema Christian Academy kindergarten.
“The first event of the Lord’s church Etido attended was our inaugural digital lectureship in the month of May this year. Since then, he has been attending our worship services and Bible studies with his wife and children. Today, after the inaugural monthly lectureship, he obeyed the gospel. Please pray for his wife that she, too, will soon be led to Christ.”

Honorariums and Memorials
Green, Ray & Leatrice
Patterson, Bob
Sibert, LaVonne
In Honor of Tom Bonner
Starr, Jean
In Honor of Marshall & Judy Cowan’s 64th
wedding anniversary
Eastman, Alma
In Memory of Phyllis Ady
Ady, Dick & Maudine
In Memory of Jimmye Allen
Cable, Greg & Kasey
Cable, Steve & Janie
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Homer Benson
Benson, Norma
In Memory of Gary Boiling
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
In Memory of Julia Bray
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of J.T. Brenner
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Deborah Brock
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Rosemary Burcham
Tate, Jean
In Memory of Diana Byrd
Embry, Ray & Jo Anne
In Memory of Phyllis Cash
Ady, Dick & Maudine
Outlaw, Judy
Van Horn, Beverly
In Memory of Charles A. Davis IV
Phillips, Virginia
In Memory of Mary Eidson
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Robbie Lee Elridge
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Ted Harrison
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Terry Lynn Heaton
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Skinner, Darrell & Ruth
In Memory of Brenda Holt
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Benny Houser
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Scott Isbill
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of Toimi Martikainen
Martikainen, Candie
In Memory of Betty McTeer
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Harris, Randall & Judy
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
White, Diane
In Memory of Don Morgan
Hale, Ruth
In Memory of Marjorie Ogle
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Harris, Randall & Judy
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of John Pugh
Kincer, Iva
In Memory of Ben Robertson
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Myrna Rockwell
Skinner, Darrell & Ruth
In Memory of Isa May Smith
Fuchs, Aquilla & Mealeta
In Memory of Marcia Smith
Wolford, Wes & Diane
In Memory of John Smithson
Adams, John & Ginger
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Bill Stewart
Woolard, Marilyn
In Memory of Agnes Taylor
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
In Memory of Betty Trater
Adams, John & Ginger
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Jack Zorn
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI