World English Institute & Bible Correspondence School
Quarterly Update: April - June, 2021
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI
New Church Plant in Philippines
February 7, 2020 was an auspicious day in the history of the church in the Philippines. On that day, Edwin E. Vicente was baptized into Christ after studying all 22 books in the WEI curriculum.
Following his baptism, Edwin said, “This shift in religion can be interpreted as my chance to change myself for the better. I submit myself to Jesus Christ and his church. This is such a blessing. I am happy to renew my life.”
Since that day, Edwin has fought an uphill battle with Satan, but God has sustained him. First, COVID-19 struck the Philippines, and the school where Edwin taught was closed. Without income, he returned to San Fernando, his home town where his meager savings soon vanished. He then traded most of his possessions for a place to live. If a friend had not shared food with him, he might have starved.
Instead of complaining, Edwin gathered thirty people from the neighborhood and taught them what he had learned from WEI. God rewarded his faithfulness with temporary funds from two American couples. By faith, Edwin rented a house and transformed it into living quarters and a venue for teaching.
On April 6, 2021, Edwin and his volunteer staff celebrated the Grand Opening of a WEI Learning Center. Erben L. Gonzales, minister of the Calasiao church where Edwin was baptized, was the main speaker. The seventy people who attended the celebration were so deeply impressed by the ceremony that thirty parents asked Edwin to teach them the Bible.
Before the first class began, however, a violent storm ripped through the city and destroyed the canopy that had been erected over the outdoor classroom. Undaunted, Edwin rebuilt the canopy and continued teaching. Satan lost again.
The best was yet to come. After studying with Edwin, and Erben, and American Internet teachers, Edwin’s daughter, three volunteer assistants, and a parent were baptized into Christ.

To Edwin’s credit, he recognized his limitations as a relatively new member of the New Testament church, and he asked Erben to help him stay on track. In response to this request, Erben agreed to teach the new Christians via Zoom and to help establish a new congregation at the WEI Learning Center, preaching for them once a month. Bibles, song books, communion trays, and eaching supplies will soon be shipped to Edwin by a couple in Abilene, Texas.

Left to Right: Clemente (teacher from Calasiao), Shahant, Erben, Edwin, Marilu, Roda , Laila, and Amarah Claire (A.C.). These form the heart of a new congregation in the Philippines. A.C. now teaches young children at the Learning Center.
God has stimulated such growth in this work that the time has come to find a sponsoring church or a group of mission-minded individuals who can provide $600 a month to keep this ministry going.
WEI Goes to College in PNG
During the past quarter, Arthur Tatara has taught WEI courses to advanced students at Melanesian Bible College in Lae, Papua New Guinea.
First, the students studied our three-book course in Evidences: Evidence of God in the Universe, Evidence of Christ in History, and Evidence that the Bible Is Trustworthy.
Second, the students studied the WEI course on the Godhead: Who Is God? Who Is Jesus? and The Spirit of God.
Arthur reports that the WEI course on the Godhead is now considered one of the top Bible courses in the college. He writes, “These are four final year students. . . .They are very happy with the materials.” In the picture below, his students are holding on to their booklets.

On June 26, all four of Arthur’s students graduated from the upper level of Malanesian Bible College. Six others graduated from the lower level. Arthur writes, “Please keep these students in your prayers as they travel home and serve in rural areas of Papua New Guinea.” It is good to know that God is using WEI to help train church leaders and teachers for service in remote villages all over the earth.
A New Sister in Taiwan
One can almost sense his excitement when Len Hardaway writes, “We have a new sister in Christ!”
Len explains, “I have been studying with Megan Yang from Taiwan since 2019 using the WEI lessons, and she just told me that she was baptized on May 2nd. Last year, with the help of Dick Ady, I managed to connect her with a church near where she lived. She really enjoyed their help and fellowship.
“Megan is an international sales person for bearings and machinery parts. She is continuing her secular studies in addition to caring for family and doing the WEI studies. When she enrolled in WEI, she stated that she had no religious affiliation, so the message of the Bible really grabbed her attention in a very positive way in meeting her needs. I really like to study with those disconnected or discouraged with ‘religion.’ She is a very intelligent person with a lovely heart for others, and she really appreciates what she has found in the church she attends.
“I give God the praise for our new sister and am thankful to be used as a helper and guide in her path of discovering the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. Hallelujah!”
God Works During India’s Crisis
During the past three months, India has been a hotbed of COVID-19 infection and death. Yet, in the midst of India’s terrible crisis, God has been glorified through his people.
In spite of mortal danger, God’s people have put their lives on the line, feeding hungry people who could not work during pandemic shutdowns, and by visiting and praying for virus-infected people lying glassy-eyed on their deathbeds.
During the depts of the pandemic, church leaders continued sharing the Good News with people of all ages and baptizing them into Chris, not knowing whether or not they were infected with COVID-19.
In the May 1st issue of the WEI-India newsletter, we read that Bro. Subhash Chandra Bose baptized five people at Kalvakur, Srikalahasthiu.

Prabhu Kumar, the Director of WEI-INDIA, broke down barriers by using Zoom to preach the gospel to people in India and Bangladesh.

Prabhu reports, “In this pandemic, people are trembling with fear of death everywhere. Our WEI students also are fearing death in Bangladesh, so I taught the word of God to strengthen them through ZOOM last Friday.
“In the same way, I thought it was good to teach the truth to the unknown pastors of denominations who are working in the state of Haryana where idol worship and false babas are ruling the ignorant people. So Bro. Rakesh Masihi arranged a ZOOM meeting to share the word yesterday from 4pm to 5pm. By the grace of God, I taught the word of God on the topic, ‘Seeking the TRUTH.’ Nearly 10 denominational pastors connected to our class, thanked me with full satisfaction, and asked to take the class once a week.
“Thank God for opening doors to teach the truth even in this Pandemic.”
Sharon Cherop Born Again in Kenya
A cloak of mystery surrounds this report. On May 1, Jan Towell received the following email from Brother Benard Kibet Lagfat, a gospel preacher in Kapsibet, Kenya saying, “Glory be to almighty God. A few minutes ago, I have managed to baptize Sharon Cherop in much water. I have also introduced her to our local church of Christ members. She has accepted to fellowship with us.”

Three days later, on May 4, Jan received an email saying, “Hi, my name is Sharon Cherop, a student of World English Institute. I was recently baptized by pastor Kibet. All thanks to God for putting amazing people in my life”
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not be- lieved in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
– Romans 10:14
Evangelist in Islamic Country
Katheryn Haddad, faithful WEI teacher who has taught more than 7,000 Muslims in the Near and Far East, reports that one of her students is now a full-time evangelist in his homeland. For security reasons, her report cannot contain pictures.
Katheryn reviews her student’s amazing history as follows in order to bring us up-to-date:
“After being taught through WEI, Genghis (not his real name) was baptized February 23, 2011. He and his wife baptized each other. Today, there are two small congregations in his Islamic country.
“He was 39 at the time of his baptism, and he immediately began preaching to all his friends. One turned out to be an enemy and threatened him and his family.”
Taking that threat seriously, he sold his belongings and fled to India with his family. Later they returned to their own country, and he “went to work in disguise until his enemies gave up looking for him.”
Later, he received threatening calls, and “he sent his wife and children into hiding in another province, then . . . hid in the mountains for several weeks.”
This happened a second time, but “this time he got bolder. He hung up on them. He came down from the mountain and continued to ‘preach’ to friends whereever he was. . . . To keep the family safe, he sold his house and moved his family to a large city.” There, he ministers to a small congregation, and he has offered to serve as a follow-up person for WEI.
Katheryn writes, “This giant of a Christian has been dodging Anti-Christians most of his life with the protection of God. . . . When asked what he will do if the Taliban takes control of his country after the US and NATO troops leave, he says, ‘I will continue on without fear.’
“He is determined to keep traveling, teaching, and being an Apostle Paul to his homeland. He often says, ’I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY KILL ME.’”
More and more national preachers around the world are using WEI courses in their local outreach ministries. National preachers are our most efficient and productive partners in world evangelism. Your donations provide funds for printing and mailing these materials.
More Baptisms in South Sudan
David Crouch, a long-time WEI teacher in Searcy, Arkansas, writes the following:
The number of baptisms of WEI students in the Republic of South Sudan continues to grow.
Bartholomayo Akol, who completed all of the WEI courses, is now an evangelist in that country. In June he baptized three of his fellow countrymen who are students of WEI teachers in the United States. Bartholomayo was the student of Debbie Howard in Las Cruces, NM.

On June 13, Bartholomayo baptized Gabriel Tong, a student of Lola Crouch of Searcy, AR. One week later he baptized Barnaba Gur, a student of Robert Thurman of Celina, TN, and Koul Deng. Koul had been studying with Barnaba and only recently signed up for the WEI courses.
Crouch and Thurman contacted Bartholomayo and arranged for him to meet with the WEI students. Bartholomayo said, “Lola Crouch gave me contact information for Gabriel. I kept on contacting him to share the Gospel with him. He told me that he had been baptized by pouring water. When I explained to him about immersion and its meaning, Gabriel believed, and I baptized him into Christ. He is now working with me preaching the Gospel.”
The story of the conversion of the other two South Sudanese was similar. Bartholomayo said, “Robert Thurman gave me their contacts. Then I started talking with them and encouraging them to join us. Then they believed in Christ and asked me to baptize them. I baptized them into Christ.”

There continues to be a large number of students enrolling in WEI courses from South Sudan, and many students are being taught by our WEI teachers.
From Muslim to Minister
Dale Ogren has been a WEI teacher since 2014. She says, “I have truly enjoyed this work and feel I have grown. Only one student has requested baptism thus far: the former Muslim student Abu Bakarr of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Charles Mungu, a WEI graduate, baptized Abu. Abu and Charles bonded and became quite close.”
Recently, Charles went to Abu’s wedding in Makondoh Village outside Freetown, and he noticed that there was no church there except an empty Catholic church. Charles saw the need and started working with Abu to establish the church in the village. Dale says, “The first Sunday, 24 people met beneath a tree, but Charles bought corrugated roofing and started building on donated land.”

With the help of Dale’s small congregation in Hibbing, Michigan, construction began May 18, and funds have been collected for a bore hole to supply “well water as well as the water of life” for the village.
Dale says, “Charles continues to mentor Abu and visits Makondoh Village frequently to help with evangelization and preaching.”
New Brother and Sister in Cuba
On May 7, Len Hardaway wrote, “We have a new brother and sister in Christ as a result of their studies of God’s word with me through the WEI program lessons. I received a message yesterday from my student Rolando that both he and his wife were baptized by a local minister, Carlos Mario.
“Vocationally, Rolando is a human resources specialist and teacher at a children’s hospital in the city of Cienfuegos. When our discussions began to focus on baptism and the need for commitment, he wrote, ‘My perception about baptism is growing. I was wrong in believing that sprinkling water was how God wanted us to be born again, but after studying all those classes, I am able to differentiate the real word of God from others. I’d like to be baptized in water to be born again and be with God in heaven.’”
Len contacted several brothers in Cuba, and the local preacher in Cienfuegos, Carlos Mario Gonzales, met with Rolando to discuss his baptism.
Len says, “That went well, and both Rolando and his wife were baptized. It turns out that he was sharing his studies with his wife and they attended their first worship service with the church there last Sunday. I am thrilled for them, and they seem so excited to begin their new journey with the Lord in fellowship with the New Testament church.”

WEI Postal Teachers Needed:
You can become a WEI postal teacher. Please contact us at the Gresham office, if you are willing and able to teach some of these students.
A Sweet Voice from the Past
Art Hitt probably has spent more time in Albania as a short-term missionary than anyone else since the fall of communism.
Recently, Art received a letter from Rinalda Proko, the daughter of Ilir Proko, one of Art’s Albanian students who became a Christian in 1994. Renalda is now studying and doing research in an Arkansas university. Art received her letter on his birthday.
Renalda writes, “During the 90s when Albania was transitioning from a communist to a democracy regime, my dad,, a young man from a persecuted family, finally could start his studies in law while having his new family. Eager to learn new languages, he finally could contact someone to learn English. I never understood in those times why every weekend, I would see my father read a voluminous black leather book even through he was overwhelmed with his studies. That book was our first Bible, sent as a gift by someone who was planning to visit us.
“Then it happened. A wonderful man,, the man who was doing Bible study with my dad, visited us for the first time.”

After 27 years of silent separation, the smiling little girl in the picture, now a woman, found Art in Facebook and shouted, “Dad, he is here.” Her father’s eyes filled with tears. Rinalda wrote to Art, and Art was able to visit the family again during his last trip to Albania in 2019.
Rinalda concludes, “Happy Birthday dear Arthur Hitt! I wish you all the blessings! Thank you for what you have done in our lives! You are and will remain precious to my family!”
Wouldn’t you like to lead someone to Christ?
Chances are you can. Become a WEI Internet teacher by logging on to our web site and signing up at
Langleys on Summer Missions
Tom and Angie Langley have just returned from summer mission trips to Albania and Romania. Tom extended his trip on to Armenia where he hosted a WEI Reception and joined a group of American short-term missionaries.

Honorariums and Memorials
Henry, Dan & Debbie
In Honor of Drew and Sandra Gordon
Gough, Sean & April
In Honor of Ken Kohl
Samuels, Larry & Linda
In Memory of Phyllis Ady
Foster, Jim & Rebecca
Karkosky, Lewis & Gayle
In Memory of Julia Bray
Draper, Ann
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Phyllis Cash
Foster, Jim & Rebecca
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Rosie Colvin
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Robbie Lee Eldridge
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
In Memory of June Graves
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Verla Henry
Outlaw, Judith
In Memory of Becky Holloway Cretsinger
Morton, Maxine
In Memory of Judy Horn
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
White, Diane, Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Blendeane Mickelson
Draper, Ann
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Brenda Mills
Sibert, LaVonne
Bessent, Brian & Sonja
Thweatt, Enoch & Jeannine
In Memory of Emily Nunn
Maryville Church of Christ—
Wed. morning Ladies’ class
In Memory of Marjorie Ogle
Adams, John & Ginger
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gallaher, Roy & Carolyn
Haynes, Rodney & Linda
Maryville Church of Christ
In Memory of Maxine Ogle
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Larry Raburn
Raburn, Shirley
In Memory of Janice Randolph
Phillips, Virginia
In Memory of Ron Reilly
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
Shelton, Tyra
In Memory of Marilyn Riemer
Riemer, Fred
In Memory of Myrna Rockwell
Smith, Jim & Alice
In Memory of Jean Simpson
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Jim Stansbury
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Ron Swicegood
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
McClellan, Bruce & Brenda
In Memory of Myrtle Waller
Dean, Jerry & Brenda
In Memory of Sybil Wofachlo
Edwards, Art & Bonnie
Gresham Office:
Tel: (503) 661-0348
Fax: (503) 666-8309
Dick Ady, Founder of WEI and Editor of WEI Update
Maryville Office:
Tel: (865) 803-2909
Fax: (865) 983-0397
Tom Langley, President of WEI