- December 17, 2003
New Christians in Ghana
On November 14, John Travis wrote, “I am happy to inform you of the baptism this morning of Sister Princess N. Campbell. She is 39. Madam Princess
- December 14, 2003
Spiritual Fruit in Idaho
Rosalie Waymire, who has spent many months teaching WEI students in Tirana, Albania during the past three years, is using WEI at home
- December 14, 2003
New Brother in Durrës
In a recent newsletter from Alfred Zike in Durrës, Albania, he shared the following good news: “In November, I was blessed to have…
- December 14, 2003
Church Growth in Elbasan
Pete Hodge, missionary in Elbasan, Albania, writes: “We want to share with you news of the immersion into Christ of Denisa Leshi today, 14th December.
- November 29, 2003
Editorial-Update 91
This is the last newsletter that we will send to you this year, so we take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday season.
- November 22, 2003
NU Appoints New President
In July 1995, Mac and Marty Lynn invited me into their home for dinner in Brentwood, TN. That evening, we discussed the need for providing higher
- November 20, 2003
Using Computers to Save Souls
In 1998, Bob and Jan Towell inaugurated the WEI Internet ministry. Since then, they have linked up with Bob Patterson, and the WEI web site
- November 17, 2003
Albanian/Romanian Mission Conference
On January 9-10, 2004, the Maryville, TN congregation will host the annual Albanian/Romanian Mission Conference.
- November 13, 2003
Nine New Christians in Durrës
In their newsletter dated 10/16/03, the team of workers in Durrës, Albania reported, “the first two weeks of September brought our last group of
- October 22, 2003
Welcome Maryville Church of Christ
We are happy to announce that the church in Maryville, TN will become Tom Langley’s sponsoring congregation as of January 1, 2004. At that time, Tom
- October 19, 2003
Langleys Prepare to Leave Oradea
It is with mixed feelings that Tom and Angie Langley and their daughters, Brianna and Bianca, prepare to leave Oradea, Romania and return
- October 15, 2003
Behind the Bamboo Curtain
For security reasons, we cannot mention names and places, but I am happy to report that God is doing some exciting things are happening.
- October 6, 2003
New Life in the Killing Fields
Less than three decades ago, Pol Pot and his communist henchmen slaughtered millions of Cambodians in the most horrible case of genocide in
- September 29, 2003
Editorial – Update 90
At this moment, we have people in various countries waiting for someone to teach them. Some prefer to study through the mail.
- September 17, 2003
Special Baptism in Vlorë
On August 16, while Bledi Valca and I were visiting Virgil and Jackie Jackson in Vlorë, we witnessed a very special baptism. That Saturday afternoon, Virgil
- September 7, 2003
Church in Tirana Grows
We tried something new in Tirana this summer. While WEI students were studying with teachers in one section of the classroom building, a dozen or
- August 27, 2003
Two Special Baptisms in Durrës
On August 17th, Alfred Zike had the privilege of baptizing Doriana Deliaj, the daughter of two of his old friends at the University. Doriana was a WEI
- August 19, 2003
Liberian Refugees in Ghana
Civil war has torn the heart out of Liberia in recent years, and thousands of people have fled to neighboring countries for refuge.
- August 11, 2003
Excitement in Lushnja
This was an exciting summer in Lushnja, Albania. Tom Bonner (local missionary), four American teachers, and a young Albanian brother joined
- August 8, 2003
Good News from Oradea
Tom Langley, missionary in Oradea, Romania, conducted another WEI campaign in Oradea this summer. In his August newsletter, Tom wrote the