The Intermediate English Course
There are three books in the WEI Intermediate English Course, and each book has seven lessons. The WEI Intermediate Bible course also consists of three books, each with seven lessons.
- Book One is Learning about Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives.
- Book Two is Learning about Verbs, Adverbs, and Prepositions.
- Book Three is Learning about Conjunctions, Interjections, and Sentences
This course is written on a fourth or fifth grade level.
The Intermediate Bible Course
The WEI Intermediate Bible course also consists of three books, each with seven lessons.
- Book One, The Conflict Between Good and Evil, introduces students to God who created everything and draws truths from the biblical accounts of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, and God’s agreement with Abraham.
- Book Two, The King Is Coming, draws meaning from the adventures of Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt, Moses and the Exodus, Moses and the wilderness wandering, the rise of David from shepherd to king, and the amazing predictions of Isaiah the prophet.
- Book Three, The King Has Come, is designed for students from a Christian © background. A modified version of Book Three is for students from non-Christian (NC) backgrounds (Atheists, Buddhists, Communists, Hindus, Muslims, Satanists, etc). The (NC) version of the book will be introduced later. The © version of Book Three reveals that the King who was foreseen by the Old Testament prophets was born in Bethlehem. At the age of thirty, the King began demonstrating his divine power by performing supernatural signs and wonders and by revealing divine wisdom in the deep truths he taught. The King established his divine authority by raising people from death and by being raised from death three days after he died on a Roman cross. The King began ruling over his spiritual kingdom fifty days after the Jewish Passover festival. His kingdom spread like wildfire throughout the world as his followers went everywhere telling people the greatest story ever told.
The Intermediate Bible course is written on the fourth to fifth grade level.