The city of Durres was hit by a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitudes on November 26th at 3:55 in the morning.
Here is an update on our Muslim convert…
The city of Durres was hit by a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitudes on November 26th at 3:55 in the morning.
Jim Fox, the long-time member of the WEI board of directors, has taught WEI students in Tirana, Albania virtually every summer for two decades.
Along with Sunset International Bible Institute and Partners in Progress, WEI was one of three sponsors for the European Vision Workshop
Over the past ten years, churches of Christ in Albania have organized summer camp sessions for kids, teens, and families.
God is using Gerhard Krassnig, a missionary in Vienna, Austria, to reap a harvest of souls among Farsi-speaking …
At the time of this writing, Tom Langley is in Moldova where he has hosted two Receptions for WEI Internet students, one reception in Chisinau…
Our hearts go out to Galina Binkley whose mother recently passed away in Slavyansk, Ukraine.
Justin Speer, Deacon of WEI in Katy, Texas, made his first short-term mission trip to Fier, Albania last summer, and he returned home …
Lee Allen, WEI Director of Development and Teacher Support, spent two weeks in Albania late last summer and came home floating “on cloud nine.”
Fred Jewel, retired professor at Harding University, and his wife Alice, spent most of the month of September in Tirana…
Oltion Mezini, the Albanian minister who works with Tom Bonner in the city of Lushnja, gives the following account of his conversion.
Ellen Walker, veteran missionary in Tirana, Albania, reports that one of her WEI students has been baptized into Christ.
Nelda Jo Lively reports that Joel, one of her young male students in Albania, has been baptized in the Adriatic Sea.
Five young adults from the Metro congregation in Gresham, Oregon spent a month in Debrecen, Hungary…