When Jackie Harp, a faithful WEI teacher in Searcy, Arkansas, lost her eyesight and had to give up teaching the students …
Katheryn Haddad, a WEI Internet teacher, has taught more than 5,000 Muslims via the WEI teaching website.
When Jackie Harp, a faithful WEI teacher in Searcy, Arkansas, lost her eyesight and had to give up teaching the students …
Steve Cate, a longtime missionary in Indonesia, tells how he and Christians in Indonesia are using WEI in their outreach ministry.
Abdi, a former WEI student in Indonesia, writes the following: “In 2005, I moved from Bogor to Bekasi and began to study English with WEI.
Steve Cate, missionary in Indonesia, writes: “Last August, I announced on the radio program that we would start a new series…
Steve Cate, missionary in Sumatra, Indonesia, reports that seventeen people have been baptized into Christ