March 2, 2022
Immediately after leading and teaching more than 800 young people in Waria Valley, during which time 27 young people were baptized, Arthur Tartara started serving God in other places.
Soon after returning home to Lae City, Arthur wrote, “This morning in our worship service, Maras accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Upon her confession of faith, I baptized her this morning.”
“Maras is from Tami Island east of Lae City. I came to know Maras when I started visiting Tami and conducting Bible classes every Easter weekend. Last month, Maras came to spend a school holiday with her relatives [in Lae], and on Saturday, the 5th of January 2022, she came for a youth class and heard a lesson on 1 Timothy 6:12. She really wanted to have eternal life. On Sunday morning, she asked her cousin to contact me to baptize her, so I baptized her at a baptistry near my house.”
On February 23, Arthur wrote, “Today, I started the religious instruction classes for the year. I will teach WEI materials in secondary school and ‘Who Is God’ for final year students in Melanesian Bible College in Lae, Papua New Guinea.”
On March 19th, Arthur wrote, “This morning, we had a combined youth class with Kamkumung church of Christ. Over 65 young people and children came for the class. I shared a lesson on Psalm 1:1-3. The topic was ‘The Blessed Man.’ We had a wonderful discussion on the topic; then we had some fun games.”
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