January 29, 2024
On January 29th, WEI teacher Perry Taylor received an exciting email from Eric Chepkwony, Director of the WBS prison ministry in Kenya. The email was not about a prison inmate. It was about a denominational preacher, David Kipngetich, one of Perry’s WEI online students.
The first words in the email were as follows; “On January 28, 2024, I baptized David Kipngetich, 50 years old, of Narok County, Kenya. David is married and blessed with 6 grown children. He has been a preacher in a denomination for years, but when he registered with online studies with WBS, then World English lessons, he began to know the Gospel truth and changed his mind to become a Christian and was added to the body of Christ through baptism.
“He is currently a student of NationsUniversiry, and he is now teaching the true gospel to his community. David is [the most] honest and humble person [I] have ever met.
“Thanks to Perry Taylor for supporting David to achieve his goal of becoming a [New Testament] Christian. We planted a church in his home in Olchorre Village where most of his peers and family attended.
“David lives in a tiny room of 10 by 12 feet which can’t hold more than 10 people, and he went the extra mile to find a house to meet in as a church in the neighborhood because the weather couldn’t allow us to worship outside. It’s raining a lot.
“Amazing[ly], God led him to a friend who promised to join the body of Christ. I am appealing: If David could find small support to rent a room where they can meet to worship every Sunday, the church growth is promising.”
Perry Taylor replied to Eric’s email saying, “Thank you so very much for studying with Brother David and convincing him to be baptized and begin working with the churches of Christ.”