August 18, 2002
In 1997, Jim Hutson agreed to teach one WEI correspondence student. That student’s name was “Bledar (Bledi) Valca.” Bledi was an eager student and, in early 1998, he was baptized into Christ.
From the day of his baptism, Bledi has been on fire with evangelistic zeal. He has taught and baptized about ten people in the village of Reps, and the church in Reps now worships in its own building.
For more than a year now, Bledi has felt called to establish a congregation in Rrëshen—the main city in the Reps district. Now, Bledi’s vision has become a reality.
On Sunday morning, August 4, I had the privilege of speaking at the first worship service in Rrëshen. The next morning, Bledi Valca and Sokol Thanati began teaching twenty seven WEI students every day.