July 18, 2002
Due to a shortage of space in our last newsletter, we failed to run a report from Lloyd Campbell, missionary in Tirana. The good news he reported then is still good news today. Here it is:
“The Lord added two precious souls to His Body in Tirana last month. Diana Velinaj is a public school teacher. Two of my WEI students have her as their math teacher and love her dearly. They shared their faith with her on many occasions, and one day, she told them she wanted to become a Christian.
“Diana came to see me, and we talked about the Word of God. She was so excited about Jesus Christ becoming her personal Savior.
“Diana was baptized into Christ on January 23. Now, we can rejoice over these two new souls who have been added to the body of Christ.”
Lloyd and Suzanne Campbell have just returned to Albania from a two-month furlough.