October 27, 2023
It is thrilling to watch God work in Nigeria. During the last quarter of 2023, Aniefiok Akpan, his wife Etang, and their crew of helpers prayed, planned, and participated in a unique evangelistic effort at the Campus Church of Christ and Rhema Christian Academy in the village of Uruk Otong.
On October 27, Aniefiok wrote, “All is now set for us to invade the entire Uruk Otong community and its environs with the gospel of Christ.”
They had scheduled a three-day World English Institute Conference for December 1-3. The theme of the conference was “Grammar and Lessons of the Bible” with emphasis on the parable of “The Boy Who Left Home” (Luke 15:11-32). The program included health talk, career talk, Bible talk, a family workshop, a drama, and a Bible Quiz.
With a stroke of genius, they had organized a football (soccer) tournament for young people under thirteen in Uruk Otong and environs.
The community’s response was gratifying. Boys and girls in thirteen villages around Uruk Otong formed four football teams and competed for the beautiful football trophy. The first match was played on November 10, and the other seven followed, week after week. The eighth and final match took place on December 1, the first day of the conference. Players, parents, and fans were encouraged to attend the conference.
That night, 300 people packed the church building beyond capacity. On the second night, attendance rose to 700, an all-time record in Uruk Otong.