August 17, 2021
Arthur Tatara, our dynamic WEI teacher in Papua New Guinea, is being used by God to make a profound and wholesome impact upon people in his homeland.
During the past year, Arthur has taught six WEI books (Christian Evidences and the course on God) at Melanesian Bible College in the city of Lae.
During the summer, Arthur spent three months in Waria Valley (about 120 miles south of his home in Lae) helping the Asama Church of Christ prepare the Morobe Provincial Youth Camp–the camp he will direct this December.
Building a new campsite for the 1,500 young people who are expected to be there for a week is a gigantic task. Arthur and members of the churches of Christ in Waria Valley cleared land, built fifteen houses, planted ten taro gardens, and raised fourteen pigs for the camp.
Arthur says, “We are praying and hoping that there will be a good number of baptisms between December 14th and 19th, so keep praying for the harvest.”
Satan obviously did not like what was going on in Waria Valley this summer. First, he sent false teachers into the valley to frighten Christians by warning that they would receive 666 on their bodies if they were vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus.
Christian brothers in Waria Valley set up a tent, and Arthur explained the true meaning of 666 from Revelation 13:18.
Arthur says, “Our greatest challenge is the devil who used unbelievers to destroy the faith of Christians in Waria Valley. I was there helping them [Christians] to look at Jesus as the basis of our faith, and not what people say. In doing this, some of the Christians were brought back and restored to the church.”
Imagine what could have happened if Arthur had not been there to defend the truth revealed in God’s word.
Arthur has a month to raise enough money to buy a generator and to purchase enough canvas to cover the camp’s worship center. That seems impossible, but all things are possible with God.
We invite you to include WEI in your upcoming 2022 church budget.
Please join us in a concerted effort to lead the whole world to Christ.