July 19, 2002
The church in Kosova was established shortly after the end of the Yugoslavia/Kosova war in 1999. Doug Smith, of Longview, Washington, went to Prizren, Kosova in October 1999 to begin humanitarian aid efforts. He helped people rebuild their homes, relieved hunger, and provided medical equipment and supplies. These efforts were funded by Partners In Progress.
Within a few months, a World English Institute program was begun in Prizren, teaching English using the Bible as a textbook. Since that time, more than 30 Christian teachers from around the world have shuttled in and out of Kosova to teach the Bible.
Since Kosova is primarily a Muslim culture, it has taken longer than normal to bring students to faith in Jesus Christ. Fear of rejection by family and friends is well founded. However, twelve precious souls have now been baptized into Christ. Attendance at the Sunday worship service averages 25. Two of the recent converts are now teaching several times a week.
Originally, Doug agreed to work in Prizren for six months or until a missionary could be found to take his place. That six months stretched out to two and a half years.
Now, Doug is happy to report that Jim and Kath Cassie, a Christian couple from Aberdeen, Scotland, have moved to Prizren to work as long-term missionaries.
Jim and Kath are sponsored and partially supported by their home congregation in Aberdeen. They are also supported by the 6th & Izard Church of Christ in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Please remember Jim and Kath in your prayers as they teach the ethnic Albanians in Kosova, build up the Lord’s church there, and as they work with several American teachers in a WEI teaching campaign this summer.