February 2, 2021
Fred continues, “Armando had been involved in WEI since the beginning of the summer campaign. He was Alice’s student after studying with Ken Martin. He recounted that he had been baptized by an Orthodox priest at age 4, along with his entire family, shortly after Albania’s dictatorship was replaced and open religious activity was allowed in the early 1990s.
“His class time was the same as Ledi’s, so he was invited to witness her baptism. He remarked at the time that he would likely be the next one in the water. We had high hopes that he would carry through with that declaration before we left. It actually took three months of continued study with Ellen [Walker] before he finally carried through, but we were elated at the news that he had finally taken that step on December 13, the day before Ellen flew back to the States for her Christmas visit.
“That same day, Armando followed in the footsteps of thousands of fellow-Albanians and left for Germany to seek greater opportunity. Pray that he stays connected to the Lord and the Lord’s church in his new setting.”
One soul is more valuable than all the gold, silver, precious stones, and earthly possessions combined. Thus, one new birth overshadows all the disappointments experienced by a teacher.
If you are interested in going on a short-term mission,
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